You'd think the choice would be obvious. Do I want to be able to disable traps and open locks? If so, Wiz/Rog.
Do I want better solo capability? If so, Wiz/Rog (although Ghoste has proven that a pure Wiz is just as capable - you'd just miss out on some extra xp from disabling traps, and the occasional chest or optional).
But part of me is really liking the pure Wiz build for the capstone. Not to mention I'm still waffling over the race choice as well. Call me sentimental and old-fashioned, but it just doesn't feel like I'm this arcane mysterious spellcaster as a 7 foot high sentient golem running around with a pink docent. Know what I mean?
Warforged have obvious benefits (immunities; self-healing; higher con/hps), but I'd like to have a robe. And a dark-skinned elf has a certain "look" that Warforged can't quite cover (I guess I'd have to liken it to guys playing female characters in MMOs because it's more aesthetically pleasing - well I'm similar in the sense that I want my characters to *look* a certain way).
But having immunity to sleep, paralysis, poison, nausea, fatigue, etc. is a huge, HUGE, bonus...
Arrrgggh. This is nasty.
Any thoughts/ideas?
If any of you were to do it all over again, would you aim for Drow or WF? Pure or Rog splash?
Is a pure build significantly harder than the other?
Is going Drow going to bugger me if/when I come across any traps I can't Jump over?