Coming soon to a House P theater near you, the minstrel extravaganza you've all been waiting for:
Hosted by those wonderfully wacky bards, Freeman(I promise to wear clothes this time) and Jaggie(Tuned, oiled, and ready to rock!) Prizes will be awarded, partly based on talent at composing songs and partly based on whatever whim strikes us. Also, I'll also be giving out a "Worst Dressed" award for the ugliest outfit worn by a participant.(Of course, you still have to beat some of the ones I've got stashed in a closet somewhere)
Join us for a fun-filled evening, as we finally make use of that little know bard skill: Party! Drinks will be consumed, songs will be sung, legends will be born, and dwarves will be tossed. Remember: If you aren't wanted by the Coin Lords the next morning, the party wasn't a success
Our tentative date and time will be August 28th at 9:00pm EDT. Stay tuned for further notices.(Tolero, we need access to the original BotB thread!) Also, we'll be following the same rules as the previous BotBs, so check the original thread for rules/suggestions/help.