First let me preface this with-I think I screwed up!
I rolled a dwarf paly/monk splash(Hes lvl 6). Will be 18/2 at end game. I did no research to palys needs only what my limited knowledge offered. Unfortuanatly I ate +2 Dex, Int, Wis and Str tomes already-hence my problem. My starting stats before tomes were-
My goal was to have a TWF paly with a high AC and self healing.
Feats will be inorder:TWF, OTWF, ITWF, Toughness,CE, Improved Crit Slash, GTWF, Maximize(for healing) and feat at lvl 18 is up in the air so to speak.
My problem is I didn't realize the importance of Divine Might on a paly
I am thinking I can get to a base of 16-11 base+3 tome +2 level up. By doiing that my Str will falter a bit-16 base +3 level up+ 3 tome +6 item=28
By getting my base cha to 16 I can redo enhancements for DM II. Is only having DM II worth the str hit? Also what other paly enhancements can you experts suggest that I get?
My 2 Min II dwarvin axes will be Insight on one and +2 inherant wisdom on the other.
I'm thinking at end game with a couiple +3 tomes stats should be-28,24,24,13,20,24.
Again thank you guys for your knowledge.