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  1. #1
    Community Member Monkey_Archer's Avatar
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    Default Top Shroud Elite DPS builds

    *** DISCLAIMER: All numbers posted in this thread use OLD data, attack rates, character abilities and gear. As such, these numbers are no longer accurate in DDO at the current time. ***

    Just what the title says... What are the top dps builds for Shroud Elite?

    Running totals
    Total Scores:
    1: WF Archon: 362.76
    2: WF Greataxe FB:  350.9
    3: WF Khopesh Egomaniac: 345.78
    4: WF Khopesh Tempest Kensai FB: 344.5
    5: Despoiler: 337.9
    6: Monster: 331.7
    7: Dwarf Greataxe Kensai: 321.28
    8: Dwarf DA Tempest FB: 319.2 
    9: WF Colossus  318.52
    10: WF Khopesh Tempest KOTC: 315.38
    11: WF Falchion KOTC  314.16
    12: Halfling Ravager: 313.62
    13: Drow Rapier KOTC  310.14
    14: WF Khopesh Kensai: 305.82
    15: Dwarf DA FB:  299.62
    16: Human Exploiter:  299.4
    17: Hate Monster: 298.88
    18: Tiny Terror: 296.88
    19: Awesomobot: 295.8
    20: Drow DOS: 285.84
    21: Hurtlocker: 285.66
    22: WF Khopesh Tempest/Kensai/Wizard: 280.62
    23: Valenar Crusader: 280.2
    24: Dwarf Stalwart: 274.32
    25: WF Khopesh Crit rage tempest: 273.08
    26: Dwarf DA Crit Rage Barb: 229.46
    27: WF Monk: 229.24
    28: Falseto: 221.12
    29: WF Acrobat: 221.1
    30: Axesinger: 210.7
    1: WF Archon at 297.7 dps
    2: WF FB at 296.8 dps
    3: WF TKFB: 267.5
    4: Dwarf Kensai: 264.7
    5: WF Egomaniac at 262.5 dps
    6: Dwarf Tempest FB at 257.3 dps
    7:WF Colossus at 245.4 dps
    8: Dwarf FB: 243.7 dps
    9: WF Monster: 242.9 dps
    10: WF KOTC: 234.7 dps
    11: WF Tempest KOTC: 226 dps
    12: Hate Monster : 223.4
    13: Halfling Depspoiler at 221.5 dps
    14: WF Kensai: 221.3 dps
    15: Dwarf Stalwart: 216.9
    16: Human Exploiter: 216.1 dps
    17: Valenar Crusader: 209.8
    18: Drow DOS: 208.7
    19: Tempest/Kensai/Wizard: 208.3 dps
    20: WF Monk: 205.8 dps
    21: Drow KOTC: 203.2 dps
    22: Awesomobot: 196.5 dps
    23: WF Crit rage Tempest: 194.9 dps
    24: Tiny Terror: 190.0 dps
    25: Halfling Ravager: 177.9 dps
    26: Hurtlocker: 176.1
    27: WF Acrobat: 167.4 dps
    28: Dwarf CR Barb: 166.3
    29: Axesinger: 148.0
    30: Falseto: 132.7
    1: WF Archon: 367.2 dps
    2: WF FB: 354.9 dps
    3: WF Egomaniac: 347.5 dps
    4: WF TKFB: 346.7
    5: Drow KOTC: 341.9 dps
    6: Halfling Despoiler: 338.8 dps
    7: WF Monster: 338.0 dps
    8: WF KOTC: 335.9 dps
    9: WF Tempest KOTC: 328.6 dps
    10: Dwarf Kensai: 325.0
    11: Dwarf Tempest FB: 324.5 dps
    12: Colossus at 320.8 dps
    13: Halfling Ravager: 312.0 dps
    14: WF Kensai at 309.4 dps
    15: Dwarf FB: 303.3 dps
    16: Hate Monster: 301.9
    17: Human Exploiter: 301.2 dps
    18: Drow DOS: 297.3
    19: Awesomobot: 294.3 dps
    20: Tiny Terror: 293.3 dps
    21: Tempest/Kensai/Wizard: 283.3 dps
    22: Dwarf Stalwart: 281.9
    23: Hurtlocker: 281.7
    24: Valenar Crusader: 281.3
    25: WF Crit rage tempest: 272.6 dps
    26: Dwarf CR Barb: 241.2
    27: Falseto: 231.6
    28: WF Acrobat: 228.0
    29: Axesinger: 224.6
    30: WF Monk: 195.8
    1: Halfling Ravager: 588.3 dps
    2: Halfling Despoiler: 568.9 dps
    3: Tiny Terror: 517.8 dps
    4: Hurtlocker: 512.7
    5: WF Egomaniac: 508.9 dps
    6: Awesomobot: 497.4 dps
    7: WF Monster: 496.7 dps
    8: WF TKFB: 494.1
    9: WF Kensai : 484.6 dps
    10: WF Archon : 484.0 dps
    11: WF Tempest KOTC :467.7 dps
    12: Human Exploiter: 462.4 dps
    13: Drow KOTC : 460.5 dps
    14: WF Colossus : 460.2 dps
    15: WF FB: 451.1 dps
    16: Hate Monster: 443.8
    17: WF Crit rage tempest: 435.4 dps
    18: Dwarf Tempest FB: 432.4 dps
    19: WF KOTC: 429.6 dps
    20: Dwarf Kensai: 427.0
    21: Tempest/Kensai/Wizard: 419.9 dps
    22: Valenar Crusader: 418.8
    23: Drow DOS: 417.2
    24: Dwarf FB: 404.1 dps
    25: Falseto: 377.0
    26: Dwarf Stalwart: 374
    27: WF Monk: 343 dps
    28: Dwarf CR Barb: 332.3
    29: WF Acrobat: 314.7 dps
    30: Axesinger: 308.3
    I present the first of hopefully many DPS showdowns:

    Contestants for round 1:
    WF Monster (Kensai 12 / Tempest 6 / Monk 2 TWF Khopesh)
    WF Archon (Kensai 12 / Frenzied Berzerker 6 / Rogue 2 THF Falchion)
    WF Frenzied Berzerker (20 Frenzied Berzerker THF Greataxe)
    Halfling Ravager (Rogue 13 / Tempest 6 / Fighter 1 TWF Khopesh)
    Halfling Despoiler (Rogue 7 / Frenzied Berzerker 7 / Tempest 6 TWF Khopesh)

    To hit calculations:
    20 BAB +5 weapon +8 bard songs +2 recitation +2 tumbleweed = +37 base

    Monster: 37 +21 str +2 focus +2 kensai - 8 PA -2 dual wielding = 52
    Archon: 37 +24 str +2 focus +2 kensai -10 PA = 55
    FB: 37 + 26 str - 11 PA = 52
    Despoiler: 37 + 18 str + 1 halfling - 7 PA = 49
    Ravager: 37 + 14 str + 1 halfling - 5 PA = 47

    Buffs used:
    Bard Songs, Prayer, Double madstone, Rage spell. (and rams might for ranger splashes)

    -All builds have access to +4 tomes, madstone boots, tumbleweeds and mineral 2 weapons.
    -THFs use twitch attack rates (138 swings per minute) and suffer -4 to hit moving penalties
    -Haste boost IV is counted as a +20% overall attack rate increase (increases tempest TWF from 114 to 137, THF from 138 to 166)
    -Haste boost III is counted as a +16% overall attack rate increase (increases tempest TWF from 114 to 132)

    NOTE: it is likely that the Kensai builds (Archon and Monster) will have enough haste boosts for all parts... The Despoiler and Ravager may not. (adjust your oppinions accordingly )

    The Contest:
    1) Portal DPS - you lilkely spend more time hitting portals then anything else.
    -100% Fortification, DR 10/-, immune to elemental, slicing and lawful damage.
    -Worth 40% of total score
    2) Harry DPS - you likely also spend alot of time hitting this guy.
    75% fortification, immune to elemental damage.
    -Worth 40% of total score
    3) Trash DPS - By far the least amount of time spent here.
    Full dps for part 2 with all elemental/sneak attack damage included.
    - worth 20% of total score


    1: WF Archon at 297.7 dps
    2: WF FB at 296.8 dps
    3: WF Monster at 242.9 dps
    4: Halfling Depspoiler at 221.5 dps
    5: Halfling Ravager at 177.9 dps


    1: WF Archon at 367.2 dps
    2: WF FB at 354.9 dps
    3: Halfling Despoiler at 338.8 dps
    4: WF Monster at 338.0 dps
    5: Halfling Ravager at 312.0 dps


    1: Halfling Ravager at 588.3 dps
    2: Halfling Despoiler at 568.9 dps
    3: WF Monster at 496.7 dps
    4: WF Archon at 484.0 dps
    5: WF FB at 451.1 dps

    Total Scores:
    1) Archon: 297.7*40% + 367.2*40% + 484.0*20% = 362.76
    2) WF FB: 296.8*40% + 354.9*40% +451.1*20% = 350.9
    3) Despoiler:221.5*40% + 338.8*40% + 568.9*20% = 337.9
    4) Monster:242.9*40% + 338*40% + 496.7*20% = 331.7
    5) Ravager: 177.9*40% + 312*40% + 588.3*20% = 313.62

    Link to the numbers

    Feel free to submit a build (or link to a build) you would like to see for round 2
    (1 spot definatly reserved for a ranger.)
    Last edited by Monkey_Archer; 01-28-2010 at 06:25 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Won't a pure Paladin Knight of the Chalice do horribly naughty and invasive things to those Evil Outsiders...? An additional 7d6 per attack I think.

    Kinda harder to chart out though, with the Smites and Exalted Smite and so on.
    Last edited by rimble; 08-11-2009 at 11:09 AM.

  3. #3
    Founder Cashiry's Avatar
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    Lvl 20 Paladin KotC TWF khopesh user will destroy the shroud...
    Roving Guns - Sarlona

  4. #4
    Community Member Yargore's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cashiry View Post
    Lvl 20 Paladin KotC TWF khopesh user will destroy the shroud...
    Not if you include the portals.

  5. #5


    Is the WF Frenzied Berserker counting full glancing Blow damage, including 100% 6d6 Vicious procs on Glancing Blows? I'd expect that one to be a lot higher if you're counting twitch-attacking with THF...

    I'd also guess that WF FB 18/Fighter 2 has stronger Boosted DPS than the pure FB 20.
    The Brotherhood of BYOH--Thelanis: Charged, WF Artificer; Venomshade, Half-Elf Monk; Poxs, Fist of an Angry God; Crash, Pale Monkster

  6. #6
    Community Member Absolute-Omniscience's Avatar
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    What's the exact percentage on the glancing blows?
    Ie base damage *0,X
    change to proc = X%

    How much does the feats, enhancements, etc increase the proc rate?
    EU player since release, US player since the summer of 2009.

  7. #7
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    The Rangers should cheat and take FE: Construct and FE: Evil Outsider...or is that assumed?

  8. #8
    Community Member Absolute-Omniscience's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rimble View Post
    The Rangers should cheat and take FE: Construct and FE: Evil Outsider...or is that assumed?
    What's cheating with that? :P
    Every decent ranger has FE: EO and FE: Constructs
    EU player since release, US player since the summer of 2009.

  9. #9
    Community Member Monkey_Archer's Avatar
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    Default Glancing blows

    The formula for glancing blow damage (forget where i found it) is:

    (Base damage + Bonus damage) / BAB Divisor

    Base damage = your total damage
    Bonus damage = 10 for THF, 20 for ITHF, 30 for GTHF, (and i assumed 40 for barbarian capstone, but no guarantees there)
    BAB divisor = 5 for BAB1-10, 4 for BAB 11-15 and 3 for BAB 16+

    so for the archon its is: (87 + 30) / 3
    for the FB its: (86.5 + 40) / 3

    All FB vicious damage occurs on 100% of glancing blows.
    Archon uses 20% chance to proc other effects
    FB uses 30% chance to proc other effects
    (not completely sure the actual numbers here but i think this is close enough)

    Since both use twitch attacking they are getting glancing blows every other attack (with -4 to hit while moving)

  10. #10
    Community Member Monkey_Archer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rimble View Post
    The Rangers should cheat and take FE: Construct and FE: Evil Outsider...or is that assumed?
    Yes ranger splashes include full FE damage for EO and Construct....

    in fact its also included in "Trash" dps, which may or may not be accurate depending on what you pull for part 2

  11. #11
    Community Member Absolute-Omniscience's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Monkey_Archer View Post
    The formula for glancing blow damage (forget where i found it) is:

    (Base damage + Bonus damage) / BAB Divisor

    Base damage = your total damage
    Bonus damage = 10 for THF, 20 for ITHF, 30 for GTHF, (and i assumed 40 for barbarian capstone, but no guarantees there)
    BAB divisor = 5 for BAB1-10, 4 for BAB 11-15 and 3 for BAB 16+

    so for the archon its is: (87 + 30) / 3
    for the FB its: (86.5 + 40) / 3

    All FB vicious damage occurs on 100% of glancing blows.
    Archon uses 20% chance to proc other effects
    FB uses 30% chance to proc other effects
    (not completely sure the actual numbers here but i think this is close enough)

    Since both use twitch attacking they are getting glancing blows every other attack (with -4 to hit while moving)
    Currently a +50 damage yields ~25 on glancing. So that makes me believe the calculation is different. If it were like you say +50 damage would yield (on a GS, greatsword)
    (60,5+30)/3=30. Not 25.

    I might recall wrong, but this is what I remember from my gimped THF fighter.

    EDIT: Can anyone link a screeshot of a 40+ damage glancing blow (in pure damage). That shouldn't be uncommon for a pure barbarian if that calculation is the right one.
    (Not trying to be smug, just want an accurate glancing blow calculation in my calculator)
    Last edited by Absolute-Omniscience; 08-11-2009 at 11:47 AM.
    EU player since release, US player since the summer of 2009.

  12. #12
    Community Member Thanimal's Avatar
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    Might as well try Impaqt's almost-a-joke ultra-DPS build:

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Monkey_Archer View Post
    Feel free to submit a build (or link to a build) you would like to see for round 2
    (1 spot definatly reserved for a ranger.)
    Paladin 20, KOTC (+7d6 on Harry, but low Portal damage)
    Ranger 20, Tempest (can max FE damage and an extra attack pull them up?)
    Barbarian 18+, TWF Frenzied Berserker (masochistic self-damage, but lots of pain output?)
    Last edited by rimble; 08-11-2009 at 11:50 AM.

  14. #14
    Community Member Monkey_Archer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Absolute-Omniscience View Post
    Currently a +50 damage yields ~25 on glancing. So that makes me believe the calculation is different. If it were like you say +50 damage would yield (on a GS, greatsword)
    (60,5+30)/3=30. Not 25.

    I might recall wrong, but this is what I remember from my gimped THF fighter.
    I tested the formula in game with my half-geared archon (12/2/2)

    Unbuffed with falchion hes sitting at +46 damage +7 Falchion = 53

    was getting about 19-21 damage glancing blows... or 25-27 with a DP clicky (aritficial BAB 16)

    Using the formula
    (53 + 30) / 4 = 20.75
    (53 + 30) / 3 = 27.666

    The second formula does yeild a slighty higher then in game testing did... but i concluded its the most accurate guess at the actual formula i have so far.

    An alternative formula might be using a multiplier instead of a divisor... (maybe 0.3 for BAB 16 and 0.25 for BAB 11) in which case the first would still be correct (as in game testing concluded)
    Last edited by Monkey_Archer; 08-11-2009 at 11:49 AM.

  15. #15
    Community Member Monkey_Archer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rimble View Post
    Paladin 20, KOTC (+7d6 on Harry, but low Portal damage)
    Ranger 20, Tempest (can max FE damage and an extra attack pull them up?)
    Barbarian 18+, TWF Frenzied Berserker (masochistic self-damage, but lots of pain output?)
    Round 2:

    #1 Pure KOTC (debating on drow rapier or human khopesh )
    #2 Ranger (maybe and exploiter style 18/1/1)
    #3 TWF Barb
    #4 <undecided>
    #5 <undecided>

  16. #16
    Community Member Absolute-Omniscience's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Monkey_Archer View Post
    I tested the formula in game with my half-geared archon (12/2/2)

    Unbuffed with falchion hes sitting at +46 damage +7 Falchion = 53

    was getting about 19-21 damage glancing blows... or 25-27 with a DP clicky (aritficial BAB 16)

    Using the formula
    (53 + 30) / 4 = 20.75
    (53 + 30) / 3 = 27.666

    The second formula does yeild a slighty higher then in game testing did... but i concluded its the most accurate guess at the actual formula i have so far.

    An alternative formula might be using a multiplier instead of a divisor... (maybe 0.3 for BAB 16 and 0.25 for BAB 11) in which case the first would still be correct (as in game testing concluded)
    Alright, thanks.
    Have you or anyone else tested if barb capstone yields "+40"?
    EU player since release, US player since the summer of 2009.

  17. #17
    Community Member KKDragonLord's Avatar
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    How you guys manage to do these pretty graphs with so many variables?

    Sign my pally up plz: Zweihaender, Paladin 20

    30str unbuffed (32 with +4 tome)
    WF THF Greensteel Greatsword MinIII
    Divine sacrifice III +9d6 radiant every 6 secs, +1 crit threat range and multiplier
    Divine Favor
    KotC III (bonus damage also procs on glacing blows)
    12 Exalted Smite evils IV,+1 every 90 secs (portals take smite damage too, dont forget to multiply crits on trash and on Harry, i get around 434 base dmg on some of those)
    2m24s Bladesworn Transformation
    Divine might II (with +4 Cha tome)
    Count madstone (dont have it yet but will get it eventually)
    Warforged Great Weapon Enhancements III
    Warforged PA I
    +1 to hit wit Greatsword
    +2 to hit from ethereal gloves

    Edit: Btw i intend to use the Sword of Shadow on trash mobs to improve my smites (if i ever manage to lay my hands on it),
    Dont count smites for trash on part 4 and 5 though (except for three on p5 i save most of those for Harry)
    Last edited by KKDragonLord; 08-11-2009 at 01:54 PM.

  18. #18
    Community Member Faethe's Avatar
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    Default Just curious...

    For the human dual-khopesh wielding KotCIII, what about use of Div Sac II [which I recognize not every pally uses but would increase the damage by 7d6 every couple of seconds]?

    Does that elevate the portal damage to 'moderate' from 'low', or does it not make enough of a difference in this exercise?

    Just wondering
    Last edited by Faethe; 08-11-2009 at 12:19 PM. Reason: clarification from general 'pally' to more specific paladin PRE
    Faethe | Argonnessen
    Orignally from Tharashk

    Here since 2006 | Returned in 2018
    after a 4+ year break; survived DDO Culture Shock... I think.

  19. #19
    Community Member Monkey_Archer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Absolute-Omniscience View Post
    Alright, thanks.
    Have you or anyone else tested if barb capstone yields "+40"?
    No, but it seems the logical next step.

  20. #20
    Community Member Monkey_Archer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KKDragonLord View Post
    How you guys manage to do these pretty graphs with so many variables?
    Link to the numbers is in the OP...Its my most recent dps calculator i put together.
    its read only, but if there is enough interest i might consider allowing ppl to download it

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