*** DISCLAIMER: All numbers posted in this thread use OLD data, attack rates, character abilities and gear. As such, these numbers are no longer accurate in DDO at the current time. ***
Just what the title says... What are the top dps builds for Shroud Elite?
Running totals
I present the first of hopefully many DPS showdowns:Code:Total Scores: 1: WF Archon: 362.76 2: WF Greataxe FB: 350.9 3: WF Khopesh Egomaniac: 345.78 4: WF Khopesh Tempest Kensai FB: 344.5 5: Despoiler: 337.9 6: Monster: 331.7 7: Dwarf Greataxe Kensai: 321.28 8: Dwarf DA Tempest FB: 319.2 9: WF Colossus 318.52 10: WF Khopesh Tempest KOTC: 315.38 11: WF Falchion KOTC 314.16 12: Halfling Ravager: 313.62 13: Drow Rapier KOTC 310.14 14: WF Khopesh Kensai: 305.82 15: Dwarf DA FB: 299.62 16: Human Exploiter: 299.4 17: Hate Monster: 298.88 18: Tiny Terror: 296.88 19: Awesomobot: 295.8 20: Drow DOS: 285.84 21: Hurtlocker: 285.66 22: WF Khopesh Tempest/Kensai/Wizard: 280.62 23: Valenar Crusader: 280.2 24: Dwarf Stalwart: 274.32 25: WF Khopesh Crit rage tempest: 273.08 26: Dwarf DA Crit Rage Barb: 229.46 27: WF Monk: 229.24 28: Falseto: 221.12 29: WF Acrobat: 221.1 30: Axesinger: 210.7 Portals 1: WF Archon at 297.7 dps 2: WF FB at 296.8 dps 3: WF TKFB: 267.5 4: Dwarf Kensai: 264.7 5: WF Egomaniac at 262.5 dps 6: Dwarf Tempest FB at 257.3 dps 7:WF Colossus at 245.4 dps 8: Dwarf FB: 243.7 dps 9: WF Monster: 242.9 dps 10: WF KOTC: 234.7 dps 11: WF Tempest KOTC: 226 dps 12: Hate Monster : 223.4 13: Halfling Depspoiler at 221.5 dps 14: WF Kensai: 221.3 dps 15: Dwarf Stalwart: 216.9 16: Human Exploiter: 216.1 dps 17: Valenar Crusader: 209.8 18: Drow DOS: 208.7 19: Tempest/Kensai/Wizard: 208.3 dps 20: WF Monk: 205.8 dps 21: Drow KOTC: 203.2 dps 22: Awesomobot: 196.5 dps 23: WF Crit rage Tempest: 194.9 dps 24: Tiny Terror: 190.0 dps 25: Halfling Ravager: 177.9 dps 26: Hurtlocker: 176.1 27: WF Acrobat: 167.4 dps 28: Dwarf CR Barb: 166.3 29: Axesinger: 148.0 30: Falseto: 132.7 Harry 1: WF Archon: 367.2 dps 2: WF FB: 354.9 dps 3: WF Egomaniac: 347.5 dps 4: WF TKFB: 346.7 5: Drow KOTC: 341.9 dps 6: Halfling Despoiler: 338.8 dps 7: WF Monster: 338.0 dps 8: WF KOTC: 335.9 dps 9: WF Tempest KOTC: 328.6 dps 10: Dwarf Kensai: 325.0 11: Dwarf Tempest FB: 324.5 dps 12: Colossus at 320.8 dps 13: Halfling Ravager: 312.0 dps 14: WF Kensai at 309.4 dps 15: Dwarf FB: 303.3 dps 16: Hate Monster: 301.9 17: Human Exploiter: 301.2 dps 18: Drow DOS: 297.3 19: Awesomobot: 294.3 dps 20: Tiny Terror: 293.3 dps 21: Tempest/Kensai/Wizard: 283.3 dps 22: Dwarf Stalwart: 281.9 23: Hurtlocker: 281.7 24: Valenar Crusader: 281.3 25: WF Crit rage tempest: 272.6 dps 26: Dwarf CR Barb: 241.2 27: Falseto: 231.6 28: WF Acrobat: 228.0 29: Axesinger: 224.6 30: WF Monk: 195.8 Trash 1: Halfling Ravager: 588.3 dps 2: Halfling Despoiler: 568.9 dps 3: Tiny Terror: 517.8 dps 4: Hurtlocker: 512.7 5: WF Egomaniac: 508.9 dps 6: Awesomobot: 497.4 dps 7: WF Monster: 496.7 dps 8: WF TKFB: 494.1 9: WF Kensai : 484.6 dps 10: WF Archon : 484.0 dps 11: WF Tempest KOTC :467.7 dps 12: Human Exploiter: 462.4 dps 13: Drow KOTC : 460.5 dps 14: WF Colossus : 460.2 dps 15: WF FB: 451.1 dps 16: Hate Monster: 443.8 17: WF Crit rage tempest: 435.4 dps 18: Dwarf Tempest FB: 432.4 dps 19: WF KOTC: 429.6 dps 20: Dwarf Kensai: 427.0 21: Tempest/Kensai/Wizard: 419.9 dps 22: Valenar Crusader: 418.8 23: Drow DOS: 417.2 24: Dwarf FB: 404.1 dps 25: Falseto: 377.0 26: Dwarf Stalwart: 374 27: WF Monk: 343 dps 28: Dwarf CR Barb: 332.3 29: WF Acrobat: 314.7 dps 30: Axesinger: 308.3
Contestants for round 1:
WF Monster (Kensai 12 / Tempest 6 / Monk 2 TWF Khopesh)
WF Archon (Kensai 12 / Frenzied Berzerker 6 / Rogue 2 THF Falchion)
WF Frenzied Berzerker (20 Frenzied Berzerker THF Greataxe)
Halfling Ravager (Rogue 13 / Tempest 6 / Fighter 1 TWF Khopesh)
Halfling Despoiler (Rogue 7 / Frenzied Berzerker 7 / Tempest 6 TWF Khopesh)
To hit calculations:
20 BAB +5 weapon +8 bard songs +2 recitation +2 tumbleweed = +37 base
Monster: 37 +21 str +2 focus +2 kensai - 8 PA -2 dual wielding = 52
Archon: 37 +24 str +2 focus +2 kensai -10 PA = 55
FB: 37 + 26 str - 11 PA = 52
Despoiler: 37 + 18 str + 1 halfling - 7 PA = 49
Ravager: 37 + 14 str + 1 halfling - 5 PA = 47
Buffs used:
Bard Songs, Prayer, Double madstone, Rage spell. (and rams might for ranger splashes)
-All builds have access to +4 tomes, madstone boots, tumbleweeds and mineral 2 weapons.
-THFs use twitch attack rates (138 swings per minute) and suffer -4 to hit moving penalties
-Haste boost IV is counted as a +20% overall attack rate increase (increases tempest TWF from 114 to 137, THF from 138 to 166)
-Haste boost III is counted as a +16% overall attack rate increase (increases tempest TWF from 114 to 132)
NOTE: it is likely that the Kensai builds (Archon and Monster) will have enough haste boosts for all parts... The Despoiler and Ravager may not. (adjust your oppinions accordingly )
The Contest:
1) Portal DPS - you lilkely spend more time hitting portals then anything else.
-100% Fortification, DR 10/-, immune to elemental, slicing and lawful damage.
-Worth 40% of total score
2) Harry DPS - you likely also spend alot of time hitting this guy.
75% fortification, immune to elemental damage.
-Worth 40% of total score
3) Trash DPS - By far the least amount of time spent here.
Full dps for part 2 with all elemental/sneak attack damage included.
- worth 20% of total score
1: WF Archon at 297.7 dps
2: WF FB at 296.8 dps
3: WF Monster at 242.9 dps
4: Halfling Depspoiler at 221.5 dps
5: Halfling Ravager at 177.9 dps
1: WF Archon at 367.2 dps
2: WF FB at 354.9 dps
3: Halfling Despoiler at 338.8 dps
4: WF Monster at 338.0 dps
5: Halfling Ravager at 312.0 dps
1: Halfling Ravager at 588.3 dps
2: Halfling Despoiler at 568.9 dps
3: WF Monster at 496.7 dps
4: WF Archon at 484.0 dps
5: WF FB at 451.1 dps
Total Scores:
1) Archon: 297.7*40% + 367.2*40% + 484.0*20% = 362.76
2) WF FB: 296.8*40% + 354.9*40% +451.1*20% = 350.9
3) Despoiler:221.5*40% + 338.8*40% + 568.9*20% = 337.9
4) Monster:242.9*40% + 338*40% + 496.7*20% = 331.7
5) Ravager: 177.9*40% + 312*40% + 588.3*20% = 313.62
Link to the numbers
Feel free to submit a build (or link to a build) you would like to see for round 2
(1 spot definatly reserved for a ranger.)