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Thread: Drow Cleric

  1. #1
    Community Member Syrikin's Avatar
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    Jul 2009

    Default Drow Cleric

    So I have about 310 favor on my dwarf barbarian and he is very fun to play. A couple of my friends and I decided to start playing this game so we could do quests in a party and such. We both have our job, such as i'm the tank, someone else is the cleric, and so on.

    Now that we are fairly used to how the game machanics work, we all decided to make a secondary class, later. I want to make a Drow Cleric when I unlock the race but I need help with a beginning build, and information on what skills to level and such.

    Thanks to anyone that helps me.

  2. #2
    Community Member Maxmillian's Avatar
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    Jan 2009


    consider drow cleric/rogue.
    take first two levels rogue, lots of skill pts.
    at level three go cleric.

    lots of gold spent on rogue items will keep you going to level 6/2 at least thats where i am now.
    some trouble with traps on elite at mid levels.

    good battle cleric, stun the enemy, kill them, heal yourself.

    lots of gold to +5 full plate, bastard sword, heavy shield for AC, +to hit, damage
    summon creatures to fight with you.
    attract groups, who doesn't want to quest with a cleric, just let them know you are a battle cleric, some people expect a healer only when they see "cleric"

    my buddy and I have the same build, so there are two of us very good through level 8 so far.

    probably at level 7/2 will redo enhancements and focus on battle cleric only, leaving the rogue duties to a rogue.
    probably at level 11/2 will redo enhancements and focus on casting cleric only, leaving the fighting to fighters.

    good luck!

  3. #3
    Community Member ninjaeli's Avatar
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    Jan 2009

    Question battle cleric or pure healer

    I've made a drow cleric and he's turning out greatly i Did 134 heal with cure critical at lvl 9 also has 26 wisdom and 20 charisma( with only +4 charisma item on and 1 of the enhancments). also dwarf would also be good since there more durable to dmg Plus they get extra Mana. halfling's are good since of the dragon mark feat.


    battle clerics are nice.. but since alot more people are making its harder to find a "cleric". But i am thinking of making A combat medic. 14cleric/2monk they look like the best for a solo build. everyone needs to play a role in the game! with the class they make
    Last edited by ninjaeli; 08-15-2009 at 05:34 PM.

  4. #4
    Community Member Syrikin's Avatar
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    Jul 2009


    Is that build for a battle or healer cleric? And thanks for the build anyways, it seems this isn't a very popular class because of the things you lose(Sorry, i'm not very used to how everyone words things quite yet, fairly new). Although rogue/cleric would be fun, if I even did try to do a rogue at the start, I personally would suck. This is just because i've seen how difficult it is to solo a rogue. Whether the first two levels would be differently difficult or not, I was thinking of going cleric the first leve, rogue the next to levels, and then stay with cleric the rest of the way. Just give me your opinion and hopefully i'll figure something out.

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Aug 2009


    The problem with taking rogue later is that you lose a BUNCH of skill pts. from the first lvl class.

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