I need a +2 intel and +2 charisma and + wisdom tome and a + c
on tome . I have larges and otheer item. However I don't have choker or a dod
I need a +2 intel and +2 charisma and + wisdom tome and a + c
on tome . I have larges and otheer item. However I don't have choker or a dod
i have typos i know i dont care. if i did i would fix them.
descartes 16 rgr
exturnal combustion 16 sorc (has risen)
i'm looking to trade a +2 char tome. Dont need larges. Look at my want list and see if you have any of the things I am looking for.
3 Parts Potassium Nitrate, 1/2 part Charcoal and 1/2 part Sulfur add external heat source and PHOOSH!!!!!
Aegean-Clr, Balar-Ftr,Cyclonik-Wiz, Davir-Rog, Soroden-Sorc, Towong-Mnk, Waring-Rng