My Clerics are getting low in the supplies and pp. I have the following for sell/trade:
Large Ingredients: Sugested starting bids either pp or pots or tomes or combonations of items needed.
Arrowheads - 2 75kpp each 8 mana
Bones - 1 50kpp 6 mana
Chains - 3 50kpp each 6 mana
Scale - 1 400kpp 45 mana 2 tomes
Shrapnel - 3 150kpp each 18 mana 1 tome
Stone - 1 150kpp 18 mana 1 tome
Splintered Horn - 2 75kpp 8 mana
Looking for:
+2 STR, DEX, INT, and WIS Tomes
Major Mana Pots
I will decide winners on Wednesday around noon central time unless the offer is really great. Will make arrangemts at that time. I will list the current bid periodically as I get them.