Just pulled a +3 darkwood wounding heavy repeater of puncturing.
I do have a toon that could use one, but I play him very rarely.
If the right offer came along I would consider trading it.
I know of all the changes for W/P in the new mod, but a repeater is a different animal when it comes to w/p PLUS I think w/p will be close to as fast as it is now with killing. I say this because I need no lessens or talks about how w/p isnt worth as much anymore.
If that what you want to come to this thread to do, thats fine, I will ignore you and take the free bump, if you come to offer something, Ill respond to you as soon as I can.
Please understand this is my busy season at work, and so it may take me a bit to get back to you, but trust me, offer accpeted or declined I will get back to you.
Looking for: (in order of preference)
Larges (scales, stones, arrows only)
+2 tomes (int considered higher than others, no need for cha)
Send me a PM here, I will respond in PM.
Thanks for reading.