Okay, so me and Yargore setup a Forum LFM on the EU boards and got togther a PUG to do a max dps shroud with.
In the end we had some replacements because some people could not make it, so the group was not max dps, but very close to.
The completion time was 14 minutes, without first planning to do a speed run and with giving instructions on the way, as a few of the group members hadn't played a speed run before. We did good in the end with a final time of 14 minutes, could easily improve it to 11-12 with some better coordination and planning.
Pt 2 bosses:
Bearded Devil
Video of the DPS highlights
Part 1 portals (Not the time running inbetween):
164seconds/15portals=10,8 seconds each
Part 2 bosses smackdown:
~25 seconds total
~6 seconds each
Part 4: Arraetrikos smackdown:
37 seconds
Part 5: arraetrikos smackdown:
73 seconds
Player list
Melee 1: Wegar (Monster Build)
Melee 2: Yargore (Monster Build)
Melee 3: Thermofusion (Exploiter WF)
Melee 4: Belnerg (Exploiter build)
Melee 5: Algore (Monster Build)
Melee 6: Oakfist (15Rng/1Rog)
Melee 7: Lelah (Exploiter build)
Melee 8: Barenmarder (Tempest Rogue)
Melee 9: Aronau (8/6/2 Human)
Melee 10: Thylaciny (8/6/2 Halfling)
Bard: Cazsandra (TWF warchanter)
Cleric: Enygma (TWF battle cleric)
The dps can be improved ~10-15% ontop of this as well, especially in part 1 as almost no one had dual greater construct bane, even less holy of GCB.
Completion time