Skyvault Shield, ML12, 250k plat
Full Set of Shield of Legend, 1.2 mil plat
Intimidate +15 Ring, RR Drow UMD 22, ML15, 450k plat
Intimidate +15 Ring, RR Drow UMD 22, ML15, 450k plat
Strength +6 Ring, ML15, 30k plat
Dex +6 Ring, ML15, 30k plat
Int +6 Ring, ML15, 20k plat
Wis +6 Ring, ML15, 20k plat
Charisma +6 Ring, ML15, 30k plat
Robe of the Magi ML12, 350k plat
Jinx's Vexation *2 ML10, 300k plat each
+5 Mithral Chain Shirt ML8, 75k plat
+5 Mithral Full Plate ML8, 400k plat
Maul of Malice ML12, 75k plat
+1 Anarchic Rapier of Smiting ML14, 350k plat
Ancient Vulkoorim Dagger ML10, 350k plat
+1 Vorpal Kama of Everbright, RR Warforged UMD 22, ML12, 75k plat
+3 Transmuting Bastard Sword of Pure Good, ML10, 75k plat
+2 Wis Tome, 350k plat
+2 Strength Tome, 400k plat
+2 Con Tome, 450k plat (pending)
Will aslo take offers in larges, large scale and stone are valued at 225k and 125k each accordingly.
You can post here or PM with ur toon's names, I'll look you up in game. Thank you.