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  1. #1
    Founder Justicar's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Thumbs up More Monster Spawns!

    I had a great time lastnight at the end of the stress test on beta in the lobster where you guys kept spawning beholders and such. It was funny as hell to see a bunch of unprepared lvl 3-7's get jumped by a group of mini-beholders. A lot of them where new to the game and didnt even know what the hell was going on. I should haven gotten a screen shot of the all the statues! It reminded me of when you guys used to do it a little more often. It would be awesome if you guys did it more...
    Arobot - Consummate - Katanee - Leatherneck - Tanaki - Thejusticar - Transcendent - Tufelhunden - Ultimatum
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  2. #2


    Yea I too miss the days when they would spawn alot of monsters in the lobster, was fun taking out the kobolds and beholders and yet there was still friendly fire. And useful items dropped as well, people would guard certain spots and it was just alot of fun.

    /signed we need more random little live events where u just spawn a few guys in town or something, makes the game more lively.

  3. #3
    Community Member captain1z's Avatar
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    Aug 2007


    some of the best times in this game were around those events:

    - dragon sightings in the harbor
    - monsters in the taverns
    - devils spawning in the marketplace
    - members of the 12 appearing on floating platforms
    - Loot randomly dropping from the sky

    Those were epic times.......... miss em
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  4. #4
    Founder Justicar's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    Only two more people want to see more of this? Really?
    Arobot - Consummate - Katanee - Leatherneck - Tanaki - Thejusticar - Transcendent - Tufelhunden - Ultimatum
    Forsaken Souls Ghallanda

  5. #5
    Hero uhgungawa's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    they never do it during the day time (when i play) so don't really care too much. Now if they did it around the clock (but still random and out of the blue) I'd be all for it
    ........................................... I <3 22/7
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  6. #6
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    Jul 2006


    They've been spawning some Cubes from time to time on Llama... it's been pretty cool.

    I'd love to see more, actually. And, like the end of the first beta test (last day) when they were announcing things like ALERT: Invasion of Hill Giants sighted in Harbor 4. It was an epic way to close out the beta - and really sold me on the game. Hell, I'd even say it was the best Live Event the Devs have run for this game. I dare the Devs to try to top it! (nudge-nudge-nudge)
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