I like being able to do alot at 80% instead of a few things at 100%. My current assassin is dps sold out and I decided I would like to put together a better ac/saves tactics build.
Halfling LG
Str: 26: 12 base +3 tome +5 level ups +6 item
Dex: 30: 16 base +1 tome +5 ehp +6 item +2 stance
Con: 18: 12 base +2 tome +6 item -2 stance
Int: 13: 12 base +1 tome
Wis: 24: 14 base +2 tome +2 ehp +6 item
Cha: 22: 14 base +1 tome +1 ehp +6 item
Ac: 53 bland beholder ac: 10 base 6 armor 10 dex 7 wis 1 pali 2 monk 1 halfling 1 rit 4 insight 1 dodge 5 ce 5 pro.
Saves: high enough to not bother figuring
Feats: stunning blow, toughness, dodge, stunning fist, two handed fighting, improved two handed fighting, power attack, greater two handed fighting, improved trip, ? Level twenty bonus monk feat(for 6th monk)
Hp: guessing 360-380.
Staff's mineral two bosses, weight 5 for rest. Will see how rotating a modest stun, trip, stun, healing curse rotation works.
Unhasted crappy staff is +10% comp +10% enh +5% insight when all said and done.
He is 1/1/1 ATM on Thelanis and will be 12/2/6 accrobat/pali/monk.....comments are welcome.