Alright, with Mod 9 coming, and given the recent trend in the game, I figure it's time to build myself a real Intimitank. So I've been doing some rough calculations, and looking that the Mod 9 PrE's, and loot, and I think I have a good start, but I want to throw it out for some ideas. I also recently hijacked a different thread on this board, so I figured I would separate it out.
WARNING: This is really rough, and early design stage... don't build anything off this yet!
So, if we start with the PrE's, we see that Stalwart Defender has some nice perks... take it to Stalwart Defender 3, and we get +3 AC, +3 MDB for Shields, +2 MDB for Armor, and a "Defensive Stance" for +4 AC (but the reports I have heard say you move so slow, that Tumble is the only way to move).
So if we start with Fighter 18, and go Dwarf to start, for DAM, and let's assume some +3 Tomes, and the loot we know about. I know we *should* get +4 tomes if not +5's by Level 20, but I haven't seen them confirmed. Also, this is going to assume a LOT of Raid loot, which just kinda has to happen for this build.
Level 18 Dwarf
18 Fighter
DEX: 16 (Base) + 3 (Tome) + 3 (Exceptional 1 & 2 from new Rings) + 6 (Item) = 28 (+9)
AC Calculation:
10 - Base
15 - DT Heavy Armor - MDB:1 + 2 (Stalwart 3) + 3 (DAM3) + 2 (FAM3) = 9
9 - +5 MTShield - MDB:4 + 3 (Stalwart 3) + 2 (FTSM) = 9
9 - DEX
3 - Stalwart Defender Bonus
4 - Insight (Green Steel)
5 - Protection +5
1 - Dodge Feat
3 - Chattering (Ring/DT Armor)
2 - Rituals
2 - Chaosguarde
5 - Combat Expertise
68 Standing BAC (Beholder Armor Class)
3 - Barkskin +3 Pot
1 - Haste
72 Self-Buffed AC
2 - Ranger's Barkskin
5 - Paladin 15+ Aura
4 - Bard AC Song
2 - Recitation
85 "Raid Party" AC
1 - Defender of Syberis Paladin Aura
4 - Defensive Stance
90 "Max" AC
Different Race Options:
Elf/Drow = -2 MDB = Net -2 AC, Lower CON
Halfling = -2 MBD, +1 Size = Net -1 AC, Size Penalty to Intimidate
Warforged =
-15 DT Heavy Armor, +8 Adamantine Body, +7 DT Docent, -3 MDB = Net -3 AC
-15 DT Heavy Armor, +5 Mithral Body, +7 DT Docent, +1 MDB = Net -2 AC
MDB Armor: 5 (Mithral Body) + 2 (Mithral Fluidity x2) + 1 (Stalwart) + 3 (FAM3) = 10
MDB Tower: 4 (MTS) + 3 (Stalwart) + 3 (FTSM3) = 10
So Dwarf still seems the best choice here, unless I am missing something on Warforged. Of course, for 10 Dex, you are up to 17 Starting and a +4 Tome, or other things that may gimp the rest of the build. I am comfortable with 16 Starting, but I think 17 Starting is really pushing the limits.
Ok, so then I thought, what would happen if I wanted this build to take Rogue 2 for Evasion and UMD at the end. So drop to Light Armor... hrmmm
In Light Armor for Evasion
-15 - DT Heavy Armor
+10 - +5 Mithral Breastplate
+2 - DEX (18 Base + 3 Tome + 2 Levels + 3 Exceptional + 6 Item = 32 (+11) 11-9=2
MDB: 5 (Base) + 0 (Stalwart) + 3 DAM + 3 FAM = 11
Net -3 AC
Ok, that didn't work...
Let's try Elf/Drow, for higher Dex, and see where we get
Unarmored for Evasion
-15 - DT Heavy Armor
-2 - Chaosguarde
+4 - Icy Raimnent
+8 - +8 Armor Bracers
+5 - Dex - 19 (Base) + 5 (Levels) + 3 (Tome) + 2 (Race) + 3 (Exceptional 1&2) + 6 (Item) = 38 (+14) 14-9=5
Net 0 AC, and gaining Evasion
Halfling gains +1 Size AC, so a Net +1 AC
... Interesting.
Now, going 18 Fighter / 1 Rogue / 1 Monk has an interesting option for Unarmored... no Evasion, but the Monk's Wisdom Bonus might come into play.
Overall, not a bad start. But I want to know, what am I missing?
Yes, I need to look Ranger 18, with Tempest 3, to do a good comparison, and I will in another post.. have to run those numbers first.