The Hurtlocker
Warforged 13 rogue/ 6 paladin/ 1 monk
The Hurtlocker is designed to be a very well rounded raid participant, covering all of the major melee roles: DPS, main tanking via increased hate and dps, and off tanking via intimidating/turtling. The by-product of the build resulted in a solid soloer and group member as well.
Built for Mod 9, the Hurtlocker's biggest strength is perhaps his defense, with very high saves, solid AC, improved evasion, knockdown immunity, 500+ hps and the ability to heal himself and others. In dps mode he will be cranking out respectable DPS at +79-89 average to damage while sneak attacking with Khopeshes, using GTWF, plus divine sacrifices at 5d6 light damage x2 every three seconds. On trash, crippling strike will quickly result in auto-crits and sneak attacks, and the synergy of a well placed divine sac or exaulted smite will result in a x4 critical with maximum damage potential (once fully geared) reaching 342 total damage for ES (348 for DS) - on two swings at once if timed right ((10 GS Khop +6 pali level +45 boosted damage +6 Bloodstone = 67 x4 = 268) +62 max sneak attack +12 holy). Add in a 25% haste boost and situationally the DPS potential is quite good.
Tanking the Hurtlocker can fill both the intimi-tank roll, turtling with a tower shield and Docent of Defiance, or be the true main tank via solid base DPS and toggled +160% additional hate.
- good to very good ac (56-89)
- very high saves (41R-34W-37F standing, 52R-37W-44F max boosted)
- improved evasion
- knockdown and slippery surfaces immunity
- tank level hps (504-644)
- intimi tank (score of 55)
- hate tank (+160% toggled hate -Bute Fighting, Def of Sib, Divine Righteousness) plus more from items
- ability to use Docent of Defiance for 20dr/- while tanking
- high turtling DR while intimidating
- very solid dps when sneak attacking, decent dps when not
- 25% haste boost
- +20% swing speed with a greater bane q-staff for constructs, elementals and undead
- crippling strike (the best melee feet in the game)
- exaulted smite
- divine sacrifice
- divine favor at +2/+2
- divine might at +2
- 40+ umd for no fail Reconstruct scroll use
- ability to scroll cold shield in Shroud/VoD, and fire shield in the Tower
- two 80 hp Lay on Hands for instant emergency healing
- ability to be healed by both arcane and divine casters
- immunity to horned devil healing curse
- immunity to level drain
- immunity to fear
- immunity to diesease and poison without an item on
- functioning open lock, search and disable device skills (42-46-45)
- enough tumble for front, back and side flips in order to move at full speed while in Defender stance or DoD-ing
- enough hide and move silently scores (44) to solo certain quests
- 50 diplomacy in standard gear for shedding aggro when needed
- +10% permanent increased run speed
- +25% run speed boost for zerging
- 41 haggle score just because
S 14 +3 tome +6 item +5 levels =
28 (+2 stance +1 rage +4 double Mastone +4 Bladesworn +2 exceptional= 41 situaltionally)
D 15 +3 tome +3 enh +6 item = 27 +3 exceptional =
C 15 +3 tome +2 enh +6 item =
26 (+2 stance +2 rage +8 double Madstone +2 exceptional = 40 situationally)
I 11 +3 tome = 14
W 11 +3 tome +6 item = 20 +2 exceptional =
Ch 11 +3 tome +6 item =
1. Toughness
3. Mithral Body, then swap to Khopesh prior to level 13
6. TWF
12. Icrit:slashing
13M. PA
15. GTWF
18. CE
78 rogue
8 monk
60 paladin
30 Heroic/Draconic
30 GFL
160 Con
23 Toughness
50 Toughness enh
20 Minos
45 Shroud
504 standing
20 exceptional con
20 Def stance
100 rage and double Madstone
2 2 5 Paladin
2 2 2 Monk
8 4 4 Rogue
2 2 2 Aura
5 5 5 Cha
4 4 4 GH
2 2 2 Luck
10 6 8 Stat
5 5 5 item
1 0 0 haste
6 0 0 Improved Uncanny Dodge
1 1 2 Def stance
2 0 0 Showtime
0 0 1 rage
0 0 2 Madstone
0 0 2 double Madstone
2 2 0 Vorn's
10 base
9 DT docent
1 ritual
2 bracers
5 prot
3 bark pot
10 dex
6 wis
2 aura
4 insight
1 haste
3 dodge
56 PA mode
5 CE
4 Shield wand
2 Defender of Sib stance
2 Recitation wand
69 AC mode
2 Ranger barkskin
4 Inpsire Hoeroics
4 true Def of Sib Pali aura
79 max raid buffed
6 Improved Uncanny Dodge
2 Showtime
2 pali AC boost
89 boosted
+10 Levik's
+1 Defender stance blocking
+2 blocking
-4 shield wand
-6 dex
-6 wisdom
86 turtling AC
To Hit
15 BaB
9 str
5 weapon
4 GH
1 rage
1 haste
-5 CE
-2 twf
-2 heavy offhand
6 Madstone
2 Shintao
2 tumbleweed
36 first swing tanking
-2 WF PA
2 divine favor
-6 Madstone
5 Tharnes
35 dps mode
2 bladesworn
1 exceptional str
1 def stance
42 self buffed boosted
5 weapon
9 str
7 PA
2 Divine Might
9 bard
2 Shintao
1 rage
+35 standard
7d6 rogue levels (24.5 average)
12 rogue enh
8 Tharnes
+79.5 when sneak attacking
2 Knost's
2 Divine Favor or double Madstone
6 Bladesworn
+89.5 boosted
5d6 light damage from divine sac (17.5 average)
+103 average damage once every three seconds
UMD: 23 ranks +4 GH +2 luck +5 cha +6 cha skills =
40 no fail Reconstruct scroll
Intimidate: 23 ranks +4 GH +2 luck +5 cha +6 cha skills +15 item =
Open Locks: 4 ranks +15 item +7 tool +4GH +2 luck +10 dex =
42 +d20
Search: 20 ranks +15 item +4 GH +2 luck +5 int =
Disable Devices: 19 ranks +15 item +4GH +2 luck +5 int =
45 +d20
Jump: 0 ranks +4 Acrobat +9 str +1 str skills +30 Morah's Belt/Arcane =
Tumble: 16 ranks +4 Acrobat +10 dex +4GH +2 luck +2 Rog tumble =
Haggle: 9 ranks +15 item +5 cha +6 cha skills +4GH +2 luck =
Diplomacy: 23 ranks +10 item +5 cha +6 cha skills +4GH +2 luck =
Hide: 13 ranks +15 item +10 dex +4GH +2 luck =
Move Silently: 13 ranks +15 item +10 dex +4GH +2 luck =
Concentration: 0 ranks +8-15 con +15 item +5 con skills +4GH +2 luck =
Spot: 0 ranks +15 item +6 wis +4GH +2 luck =
Leveling Progression
1 rogue 1: 4 UMD, 4 intim, 4 open locks, 4 search, 4 disable, 2 timble, 2 haggle, 4 hide, 4 move silently
2 rogue 2: 1 UMD, 1 untim, 1 search, 1 dd, 3 haggle, 1 hide, 1 ms
3 paladin 1: 3 diplomancy
4 paladin 2: 3 diplo
5 rogue 3: 3 UMD, 3 intim, 1 search, 1 hide, 1 ms
6 rogue 4: 1 UMD, 1 intim, 3 search, 4 dd
7 rogue 5: 1 UMD, 1 intim, 1 search, 1 dd, 4 hide, 1 ms
8 rogue 6: 1 UMD, 1 intim, 1 search, 1 dd, 1 hide, 4 ms
9 rogue 7: 1 UMD, 1 intim, 1 search, 1 dd, 1 hide, 1 ms, 1 tumble, 1 haggle, 1 diplo
10 rougue 8: 1 UMD, 1 intim, 1 search, 1 dd, 2 tumble, 1 haggle, 2 diplo
11 rougue 9: 1 UMD, 1 intim, 1 search, 1 dd, 3 tumble, 1 haggle, 1 diplo
12 rougue 10: 1 UMD, 1 intim, 1 search, 1 dd, 3 tumble, 1 haggle, 1 diplo
13 monk 1: 5 tumble
14 paladin 3: 3 diplo
15 rogue 11: 3 UMD, 3 intim, 2 search, 1 dd
16 rogue 12: 1 UMD, 1 intim, 2 search, 3 dd, 1 hide, 1 ms
17 paladin 4: 3 diplo
18 paladin 5: 3 diplo
19 paladin 6: 3 diplo
20 rogue 13: 4 UMD, 4 intim, 1 search
2 WF Healer's Friend I
6 WF Toughness III
6 WF Constitution II
1 Pali AC Boost I
1 Pali Bulwark of Good I
1 Pali Courage of Good I
1 Pali Focus of Good I
1 Pali Resistance of Good I
2 Pali Divine Righteousness I
1 Pali Divine Sacrifice I
1 Pali Exaulted Smite I
3 Pali Extra Smite Evil II
1 Pali Extra LoH I
2 Pali Lord of the Blades
3 Pali Toughness II
4 Pali Defender of Sib I
3 Rog Balance II
12 Rog Dex III
1 Rog Faster Sneaking I
6 Rog Haste Boost III
10 Rog Sneak Attack Training IV
3 Rog Tumble II
6 Rog Acrobat II
Head: Minos/ +15 intim helm
Neck: Shintao (+6 con, +15 concentration, +2 to hit +2 todamage)
Goggles: Tharnes (True Sight, +5 sneak attack, +15 search, +15 spot)
Belt: Def of Sib/Knost's/Vorn's (+6 con, GFL) (+ threat, +2 damage, +2 will & relfex SR22 respectively)
Boots: Madstone/ Anchoring/ +6 dex
Gloves: Con Op (+10 hp +1 str skills, +50 SP +2 cha skills, +100 SP +3 cha skills - +6 wisdom, +10 diplo, +10 haggle)
Cloak: Min2 (Wizardy VI +1 cha skills, +2 con skills +15 hps, +3 con skills +20 hps - heavy fort, +5 protection AC)
Trinket: Head of Good Fortune/ Bloodstone
Ring 1: Shintao w/ +2 eceptional wisdom
Ring 2: Def of Sib/Knost's/Vorn's w/ +2 exceptional con, +2 exceptional str, and 20% cold absorption respectively
Bracers: Chaos/ Tharnes
Armor: Docent of Defiance/ Dragon Touched Docent (+5 resist, +6 cha, +3 dodge)
Weapon 1: Min2 Khopesh (Holy, Acid Burst, +4 insight)/ Vorpal of Enfeebling Khopesh
Weapon 2: Rad2 Khopesh (Holy, +1 dex, +2 dex)/ Min2 Khopesh (Holy, Acid Burst, Acid Blast)/ Vorpal of Enfeebling Khopesh/ Levik's Defender
I try to be well thought out in my builds, but I usually make a few mistakes. If anyone catches any I'd appreciate them being pointed out, as well as any feedback on how to make the Hurtlocker a better character.
Thanks for looking.