It can be done with orther races, but just not as well.
My original version was halfling, which at first glance seemed to me the ideal race for this build. As I started fleshing out the numbers, item slots and enhancements got very tight (you really need the Icy Raiments, and that makes you have to find another place for a +5 resist item, +6 cha item, and +3 dodge item). At the cost of hitpoints (dipping below 500 standing was also something I wanted to avoid), there was a bit more AC, and slightly higher saves, but the halfling version almost begged to go dex based and weapon finesse for even more AC, and then it started to lose what I was designing. I wanted a build that could do damage standing toe to toe with mobs as well as sneak attacking, and the WF does that better. In addition to the DoD and the immunities that you mentioned, WF have the ability to be healed by arcanes, which is huge situationally in my experience. Lastly, being able to ignore the horned devil's healing curse is important for me in an elite level raid tank.
You won't be turtling in full plate as it will cancel both your monk AC and your improved evasion. Despite that, with stoneskin the turtling numbers for a fleshy in a robe are not too far behind, until the DoD procs (all praise grazing hits!).