Great build Cleen. Hey check this out!!! Going to do this on Xisix as Q-staffer with the same build class structure and race. With Mod 7 coming out and the changes made to Rogue Special Feat adding Double strike bonus'. Build sums up primary dps role and full tankage properties. The stacking Double Strikes from wind and Rog feats. Would no longer have Imp evasion but, I think the build covers for it in HUGE SAVES. Max DPS in build would carry in AP's and using Greater Two Handed fighting. Q-staff attack speed as Acrobat II is phenominal coming from the Maxed STR based character Double Striking Exaulted Smites and DS's which won't be so uncommon. Excelent abilitie scores with 36 pt. character really fill out what I have in mind for the build as q-staffer. I honestly beleive that the quarterstaff as an inferior weaponset really improves this build through sneak attacking point of view. Although as base weapon damg goes from the weapon the class abilities and available ways to produce sneak attacks from Radiance to Holy Aura, Held/Helpless mobs and Trips among many others, and general bonus DPS generated provide Uber PREMIUM DPS all the same. Thanks for the inspiration. Awesome build Cleen.