Thelanis Brotherhood of BYOH
When would be a good time to take the 1 level in monk?
Take the monk level when you need it to make your feat progression or certain skills. Depends on your build.Basically, keep in mind you will get the class feat when you take the level. If you need a certain BAB for that feat, or need it to make a prerequisite for another feat just take it when the timing is right. Since you are going TWF and Tempest, this will come into play.Same with skills, you know which ones you want to max out, try not to use points at a level when youd be forced to put them into cross-class skills for half the value. Its hard to explain on the forum, the post looks a little confusing especially if you are new but if you build your character entirely on Rons character builder you cant go wrong, you will see what I'm talking about.
No, you still have to spend them, but don't spend them on cross-class skills. For example, Rangers get Spot and Search as class skills, but not Open Lock or Disable Device. You can maximize by planning to let your Spot and Search Skills fall behind on Rogue levels and catch them up on your Ranger levels - and let your Open Lock and Disable Device skills fall behind on the Ranger levels to be made up on a subsequent Rogue level. In doing so, you may be behind for a level or two, but you will have invested your points at full point value instead of paying two points for one rank on a level where the skill would be considered cross-class. Sometimes you have to finagle around max ranks for a given level, too. There are a number of other skill synergies between Rogue and Ranger and even Monk, so it should be pretty easy to never spend any cross-class skill points. I hope that makes more sense.
This new learning amazes me, Sir Bedevere. Explain again how sheep's bladders may be employed to prevent earthquakes.