All good to go on everything else, but what is optimal for this?
All good to go on everything else, but what is optimal for this?
Well good for using pure good items chaotic might be good then you can use armor bracers from deleras, I would say good, but then lawful/chaotic/neutral all have pluses and minuses.
Beware the Sleepeater
build for umd and it doesnt really matter at end game.
“If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles" TsunTzu
if i'm not mistaken, next mod requires the umd score to alway be equal or exceeding of the item requirement. any moment umd drops below the number, the item immediately becomes unequipped. this can result in a potential problem for cross classed classes with low cha. also, there are some gear that cannot be bypassed by umd, ie ring of ancestors
more importantly, if you are going to multiclass, alignment is a factor
If you want to know why...
I would recommend choosing Lawful good as alignment for your fighter.
The 'good' part of this will allow you to use pure good weapons, which is a distinct advantage, especially on the deleras quest chain at lower levels. At higher levels, transmuting of pure good is very handy against all sorts of mobs/bosses.
The 'Lawful' part will allow you to use the 'chaosgarde bracers' from the xorian cipher quest which are nearly a necessity if you care about your ac:
Now as people have pointed out you could use the umd skill (use magic device) to bypass these restrictions. However it is difficult to get to a 'good' number without investing in starting build points in charisma, feats, scarce item slots and raid items which require a lot of grinding.
That being said you should put as many points as you can spare in umd. Not at the expense of intimidate though whcih is the most important skill for a fighter.
If you want to know why...
If you want to know why...
kinda depends.
lets say your dex is 26.
Leather DT+Chaos bracers+the dodge rune on the DT and +4 insight on your min 2 is only 3 ac behind something with chattering/icy/ac8 bracers/+4 insight min II
and in return for that 3 ac loss they get all of the following
1) only farm 1 hard thing to get instead of 3
2) free up a ring slot-will let them wear 2 new raid items instead of just 1
3) Get to toss +5 resistance and +5 protection on their other DT runes freeing up whatever slots those were in
If you want to know why...
If you want to know why...
Seeing as you're relying on DT armour for that you can't 'choose' the Leviks. Just grind and pray. Chaosgarde bracers are far easier to get for a higher ac.
I see no indication the OP had a dex based build. We are in the fighter thread aren't we?
Chaosgards must be lawful +2 AC
Ring of Balance +2 AC from Invader's --> replace with chattering ring from Titan if u get lucky
The Iron Manacles of +4 AC from Delera's are for Chaotic but you can easily find a necklace or cloak of Protection +5 AC. So you wear a necklace or cloak +5 with Chaosgardes +2 that is +7. Better than the +4 from Iron Manacles.
If you do not like LG because you cannot use ANARCHIC weapons, then have a HIGH UMD, Use Magic Devices. Which means you need to throw some points into INT to build that up.
i agree but alot of people like to state that non lawful toons cannot achieve a meaningful ac not realising with the leviks combo, they are only out by 1 ac. more importantly, this frees up the +4 insight on their weapon for something potentially more useful
as for fighter.... yeah i've seen a ftr/mnk dex based build.... yuck
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Hashasheen - Ifuwantblood Yougotit - Fishwater - Stranglehold - Trampled Underfoot - Theotherone - Thirtydays Inthehole -Spanishmoon - Southbound - Gimmeshelter - Warpigs - Hotelillness