Hello all,

Last night I started another tank type character for fun.

I want a mix of Barbarian and Fighter.

There seems to be a debate on the best feats to take. I was hoping to make this guy a strength based TWF type instead of my other two that are both THF users.

What feats do I need to take for a Barb/Fighter combo to get TWF? I'm only level two, so rerolling is no big deal if I screwed up.

My stats are:

Str: 18
Int: 8
Wis: 8
Dex: 14
Con: 16
Chr: 6

The Feats I've picked thus far are Power Attack, Toughness, and Dodge.

Have I screwed up for a TWF build?

Also, does my Dex need to be higher than 14?

I can't remember that or what feats are prereqs.

Thanks all!
