I'll give this one more shot that you are serious...
Here's the problem Shadow... on some subjects there can be 1000 different opinions. For example, should we change the game to reduce zerging and how. No single answer is "correct".
Other questions are a matter of fact, when the first poster answers the question "Is water really made of hyrodgyen an Oxyogen?" with "yes, its H2O" the matter really is answered, 1000 more posters won't change that.
What you asked was a matter of forum policy (posted) and the law (posted) and examples given. This particular quesiton is a matter of fact more than opinion 99% of the time. The only wiggle room is around things like "what is fair use" which is somewhat debatable and each case is judged on its own merits.
Just look at that cheezburger photo for example. It's a picture that the public is encouraged to download and distribute and they may legally do so as long as they leave the credits on the picture. Use of the picture in this thread actually helps the holder of the copyright as it attracts business to their website. that's directly on point to your original question and it was dealt with in at least a couple of the answers in this thread.
The bigger problem that makes people hostile is you seem to have a tone that is agressive and insulting. If you don't mean it, then you need to practice the old "wait 30 seconds and then reread it before you post" rule. You inferred twice in this thread that I was cowardly for example - that doesn't predispose me to being friendly. You accused others of lying about their credentials. And yes, on the internet they may or may not be telling the truth, but saying "you could be lying" isn't helpful to friendly discussion (and besides, who'd admit to being a HS science teacher if it wasn't true