My husband and I have recently started playing DDO again, after a long break. Instead of picking up our old characters, we started new characters: a cleric and a barbarian. These choices were made more because these are what we want to play than for any strategic consideration. We usually only have an hour a night, maybe two, to play which makes DDO a particularly good game for us. It's easily played in smaller amounts of time.

We made it to level four pretty easily. Honestly, most quests up to this point were sort of cakewalks, with a couple of exceptions. We remembered it being much tougher, so we were surprised by this. Now that we've reached level four, however, it seems like there is a serious and sudden difficulty increase. We made it through the first two STK quests okay. We died horribly trying to do the last Catacombs piece. We struggled through about half of Irestone Inlet before we figured out we wouldn't be able to finish it. We struggled through, but completed (barely) Rest for the Restless and Freshen the Air.

What I guess I'm asking for is advice. We're considering redoing level 2 and 3 quests on Hard (or even just on Normal if Hard proves too much), but I'd rather not redo content we've already seen so soon. At the same time, struggling through the quests we do have available seems an exercise in futility and frustration. Assuming we continue with the same characters, what should we do? Go ahead and repeat quests? Use some yet unknown trick to get some better gear? (We're both using the best +3 stuff we can find right now. Everything else seems out of our price range.) Wait for F2P which may change things in such a way as to make things easier?

Is there something else we're missing?

Thanks in advance for any help or advice.