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Thread: Ranger Variety

  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Apr 2006

    Default Ranger Variety

    I have a few rangers tunes I play and Im currently working up an arcane ranger, and I was somewhat disappointed when I found that arcane only works with arrows and not bolts, its bad enough that with str comp bow dmg and many shot feat you've already got it where 95% of all rangers have to use bows or be considered gimp, so why cant you have an arcane ranger who uses crossbows of any type?

    Also another ranged problem that needs to be addressed is bows get better DR pen than crossbows since they get the bow str , but in reality a heavy or great crossbow could punch thru a nights heavy plate at longer ranges than a bow (with the exception of the english longbow) but that DR pen ability is not reflected in the game meaning if you want better DR pen once again you have to use bows. And as far as English longbows you couldnt run around like rangers in game do and use them effectively.

    Im not asking for a dmg increase on crossbows but dont keep focusing the bulk of ranged changes on only 1 ranged wpn type increase DR penetration for the hvy, greater, and crossbow types and allow arcane to be used with them to add a little variety to the game. If not I dont even no why you added the extra ranged wpns to the game if your current system favors a bows only.

    If the only way to keep up with the game and maximize your dps and abilities is to use one wpn type that limits the possiblities and uniqueness of the game. Im sure you know what Im talking about as most ppl in the game for all classes predominately use certain key wpns as the rest dont do as well.

    Thanks for your consideration in this matter.

  2. #2
    Community Member spifflove's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 5thofnovember View Post
    I have a few rangers tunes I play and Im currently working up an arcane ranger, and I was somewhat disappointed when I found that arcane only works with arrows and not bolts, its bad enough that with str comp bow dmg and many shot feat you've already got it where 95% of all rangers have to use bows or be considered gimp, so why cant you have an arcane ranger who uses crossbows of any type?.
    Arcane archer will work on bolts mod nine. A fun build would be to switch between bows and crossbows as multishot wears off.
    Quote Originally Posted by 5thofnovember View Post
    Also another ranged problem that needs to be addressed is bows get better DR pen than crossbows since they get the bow str , but in reality a heavy or great crossbow could punch thru a nights heavy plate at longer ranges than a bow (with the exception of the english longbow) but that DR pen ability is not reflected in the game meaning if you want better DR pen once again you have to use bows. And as far as English longbows you couldnt run around like rangers in game do and use them effectively..
    Think Odysseus. English longbowmen did run. Try to catch a unit of longbowmen with a unit of heavy infantry and tell me how it works.
    Quote Originally Posted by 5thofnovember View Post
    Im not asking for a dmg increase on crossbows but dont keep focusing the bulk of ranged changes on only 1 ranged wpn type increase DR penetration for the hvy, greater, and crossbow types and allow arcane to be used with them to add a little variety to the game. If not I dont even no why you added the extra ranged wpns to the game if your current system favors a bows only..
    changed mod 9
    Quote Originally Posted by 5thofnovember View Post
    If the only way to keep up with the game and maximize your dps and abilities is to use one wpn type that limits the possiblities and uniqueness of the game. Im sure you know what Im talking about as most ppl in the game for all classes predominately use certain key wpns as the rest dont do as well.

    Thanks for your consideration in this matter.
    Try using a khopesh or rapier instead. If you have enough points in str for bow str you have enough to melee. The Heavy repeating crossbow becomes an excellent choice for elven arcanes in mod 9. Again toggle your bows for the multishot cooldown.
    Last edited by spifflove; 07-29-2009 at 11:20 AM.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Apr 2006

    Default cool thanks for the info

    thanks I hadnt read that on the mod 9 info , I'll have to go check what else they have added since I last looked

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