I have a 13 Rog (Acrobat) 6 monk 1 fighter and it moves pretty dang fast......... it feels faster than when i had a pure monk, and of course the showtime makes it move even faster.
Swap that fighter out for 1 lvl of ranger and sprint boost away.
I have a 13 Rog (Acrobat) 6 monk 1 fighter and it moves pretty dang fast......... it feels faster than when i had a pure monk, and of course the showtime makes it move even faster.
Swap that fighter out for 1 lvl of ranger and sprint boost away.
Smallmans Syndrome, Rovac, Dragnipur, Prettyhater Machine, Lubed, Castinfist
Emmpeethree, Hyperkill Hyperthrill and Greyvegas (All on Khyber)
As binnsyr pointed out and you acknowledged, the sprint boosts wouldn't be activated at the same time.
Also, since Acrobat II's (competence bonus? need citation) 10% is reported to stack with enhancement bonuses [re: http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php...4#post4629224] I'd think it would actually be cumulatively faster to go rogue12/barb8 and miss out on the four tier of sprint boost, i.e. lose 5% of sprint boost to gain 10% from acrobat.
Can anyone confirm that?
Character Compendium
Sarlona*Eternal Wrath
just for information:
I think the current fastest build is 18 monk + 1 archer
+ 30% monk base speed
+ 35% archer sprint I
+ 50% Time Pendant
+115% in cities
I tried this out in practice as well, I ran a straight line 7 game Units long, 3 attempts per equipment/boost used and the slowest time is the absolute base with no monk levels and no striding etc. This was done in an average of 19.8 seconds.
The fastest run was with the Time Pendant and Archer Sprint I, which took 8.9 seconds.
This means I ran 7 units 10.9 seconds faster then new players that take 19.8 seconds for that same distance.
Another interesting new thing came from Diyon on my jump thread, he had the following info:
Druids get Snowslide which does a Step-like ability except further and gives you a +50% action boost bonus to speed afterwards (9th lvl spell).
So Druid 19/Barb 1
50% enhancement bonus (shadow walk/time pendant)
50% snowslide action boost bonus
10% Barbarian.
wouldn't the fastest be a monk with that shadow walk ki use? I mean with everything mine has he hits that thing and just takes off.
Umm no, showtime from acrobat doesn't stack with haste. It is an enhancement bonus and you can see that on the wiki as well as in-game. I think your personal testing is wrong.
Also, acrobat 2 (what you call 'way of the acrobat') is 10%, not 25-35%, and that part actually does stack.
Last edited by scoobmx; 08-07-2012 at 03:52 PM.
Scoobmx Scoobshot Arcscoob Beefscoob : Imperial Assassins : Argonnessen
My Builds : Abbot Raid Manual : Weapon Damage Modeler : My Trades
When I was lvling my female bard she had no problem keeping up with Barbs and monks and they commented on how fast she was, I spashed 2 barb lvls on her for sprint boost and I have problem with lag and steering lol
Just a thought are females faster then males in the game?
Murderthumbs McGillicutty - 20 Light Monk -+- Traumaturge - 20 Water Savant -+- Targetov Opportunity - 20 Defender of Siberys
Are you bored enough to waste scales on a Min II Shuriken? Try this!
Monks also have the option to take grandmaster of Flowers which gives an additional speed bonus while using air stance (Tier II), this should make it definate that a monk + 1 splash will be the fastest runner.
Some additional information.
Base run speed in kilometers is about 25KmH
My monks speed with pendant and sprint is 55.3KmH
at it's pinacle my monk can get to 71.3KmH
I'll try to get a barb who fits the description of what some people consider to be fastest to get it's speed.
Last edited by AidanRyuko; 08-08-2012 at 11:35 AM.
19 monk / 1 ranger with sprint boost would be the fastest character possible.
- Raja Stormcrow -
Thelanis Permadeath
Long Live Xoriat | East Side | Spiritus Mundi
My Tempest can outrun a barb for 20 seconds!
Doesn't matter though, we all still have to wait for the Dwarf Cleric to catch up!![]()
It is. And it's not a monk exclusive enhancement either. Any class may take it.
re: other. You responded to post of mine from years ago (this is a necro thread from .... 2009).. The game changes rapidly, so yea things I posted years ago may no longer be accurate.. Not exactly a surprise.
yes grandmaster of flowers is an enhancement and does not stack, I found that out later.
@ shade, it doesn't matter it's a necro, it has useful information gathered in one place and the question stays relevant, who is fastest?
I now pitted a maxed speed Barb with all the enhancements/gear necesary.
Base speed: +-25KmH
Max Barb speed: 49.1KmH
Max Monk speed: 55.3KmH
I didnt read the whole thread and dont like math, but wouldnt 10 barb 10 ranger + umd scrolls of shadow walk be fastest? Has that been mentioned or considered or plausible?
Theophratus - Constitution - Drowmos - Buphs - Gannondork - Lucciah - Gannondorph - Gannondorc - Viigo - Xachosian
Actually I have one Therrias. I made a toon purely for maximum ability to reach impossible places and thus I needed maximum speed as well + abundant step type of feat.
Cool! You raced any barbarians?Actually I have one Therrias. I made a toon purely for maximum ability to reach impossible places and thus I needed maximum speed as well + abundant step type of feat.