The guy who likes to experience every class. Except Fighter >:[ I don't like you Fighter.
Hey Devs! Let's give Warpriests and Eldritch Knights some loving, kay? :<
If you are new, play a wizard. The spell saves in game and the wizard DC's have been dumbed down to enable new players to be somewhat effective even if they have poor game knowledge, poor loot, and/or poor play skills.
Good sorcerer play takes a lot of knowledge.
sorcerer:what many likes to play
wizard:what other people prefer to have in their party
simplistic but as a generalization not incorrect
Sorc = Barbarian
Wizard = Rogue
...except think in terms of casting
I know I'm bored of waiting for updates when I'm answering these questions.
For NEWBIES. Who read the forums and plan spells. I would say sorceror hands down.
The faster casting time means fewer interrupted spells (failed concentration checks and what nots).
The additional sp also allows for the fact they will not have *twinked* gear like Wizardry or Power items.
At the lower levels, the cost to undo a spell choice mistake is not that high. Once the newbie plays a bit more, his choices should be more solid.
However having played 4 sorcs and 2 wizards, I tend to think at the endgame wizards (at least until sorcs get the Prestige Classes they deserve) are better due to their higher dcs which is what tends to matter at the endgame.
If you are building for the endgame in mind, warforged wizzy (max int and very high con ftw). Then there are of course drow wizards.....
----End Blurb ----
If in doubt - go dance an elf
Have Fun and Be Smart
Calladan Frostwinter - Crimson Eagles
Halcyen Frostwinter - Apocalytic Knights
I really enjoy my sorc, especially after the recent smugglers rest event where I made him a great set of wizardry hats as he levels. Can't wait to equip the archmagi hat.
Keep in mind though that until you hit around lv 6 your gonna suck. sorcerers don't really take off for dmg spells until they finally get a good aoe. And while fireball is sweet no doubt, I find ball of acid is a lil more accommodating to nuke more things then fire. Plus once you get firewall ur just the god of the undead. (except some skellies but thats where acid comes in.)
Still while starting I didn't have a ton os spells it was still a fun class and I'm still waiting for the pre's.
I'm surprised to see so many people recommending wizards for new players. Figuring out the "good" spells is not all that tough, managing spell points is.
Since everyone is making broad statements, my turn!
Sorcerer's make superior evocers, they can get the feats for the damage spells just fine and they have way more mana to blow the enemy to hell. Sometimes, much of the time, you just want to blow the enemy to hell and sorcerer's are better at doing it.
Last edited by Euthorcize; 04-30-2011 at 09:58 PM.