H - N
Haggro - Husband has aggro on your game playing and you have to log out to go to Bed Bath and Beyond for example. Also see Waggro
Healbot - A character dedicated to healing and who does little else in a quest
Hiding In Plain Sight (quest)
Hound -
Hound of Xoriat (raid)
House P, D, J or K - House Phiarlan, Deneith, Jorasco, and Kundarak are areas accessed through the Marketplace, or patrons of favor.
HoX -
Hound of Xoriat (raid)
HP - Hit Points
IC - In Character, an RP Term, or "I See," or Improved Critical (feat)
IDK - I Don't Know
IIRC - If I Remember Correctly
IK - InstaKill, or more specifically, spells where the effect is instant death such as
Finger of Death
IMO - In My Opinion
INC - Incoming, term used to warn users that mobs are coming
Incapped - Incapacitated is the term to describe a character who has fallen but is not yet dead
Intimitank - Usually a high AC and/or DR character who uses
intimidate to draw agro
IP - In Progress, usually found in the LFM when a quest is underway but more members are desired.
IRL - In Real Life
ISO - In Seek Of or In Search Of
Improved Two Weapon Fighting (feat)
IQ - Inspired Quarters
JK - Just Kidding
JMO - Just My Opinion
KEK - Another version of LOL, KEK was commonly used in World of Warcraft
Kite or Kiting - Strategy of pulling an enemy, or group of enemies, to a strategic point where the party will then engage in combat.
Lag - Delayed or slowed gaming experience due to, but not limited to; internet connection or pc problems. usually results in a frozen frame in-game.
LD - Link Dead, an alternate description of a disconnection.
Leet - Elite
LFG - Looking For Group
LFH - Looking For Ham (outdated terminology) consuming ham was the way to regenerate hp & sp before the induction of the rest shrine.
LFM - Looking For Members, this is the add you will see in the social panel when people are looking for players to fill a group.
LMAO - Laughing My Ass Off. Other variations exist, such as Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off, or ROTFLMAO
Log or Logging - Process of exiting the DDO software completely, or to change characters
LOH - Lay On Hands (enhancement), the ability of
paladins to heal with divine powers
LOL - Laughing Out Loud or Laughing On-Line
LotD -
Litany of the Dead (quest)
Lowbie - Reference of low level characters between lvl 1-4
LS -
Long Sword
LSP - Low Spell Points
LVL - Level, typically referring to a characters experience level
L8ter - Later
M/A - Mature Audience
Main - Main character on a persons account
Mana - Spell Points
Meat Shield - A front line character in a group, typically a tank
ML - Minimum Level requirements, referring to items
MM -
Magic Missile (spell)
MMO or MMOG - Massive Multi-player On-line Game
MOB or MOBS - Mobile Object(s), attackable non playing objects. Typically monsters, but anything that moves and attacks or anything you can attack
MoBB -
Maladroit of Bone Breaking, special weapon attributes that saps dexterity from its victims
Mod - Module or Modification (ie DDO Mod 9)
MOTD - Message of the Day, used mainly in guild chat
MT -
Mental Toughness (feat), could also mean MisTell or Main Tank
MU - Magic User, a character class that casts spells.
Mule - Character utilized to carry equipment and items for all the toons on an account
Mutt - 3 multiclassed charecters, usually in reference to a melee class
Necro/Necro 1,2,3 - Necropolis/Necropolis
crypt series (quest)
Nerf - To make less effective
Newb or Newbie - New player not used to the game mechanics yet
NHE or N/H/E - Normal/Hard/Elite (quest difficulty levels) sometimes used individually
NM or Nvm - Nevermind
NooB, N00b or Nub - (Often Misused) Derogatory term used to describe someone who lacks concern for the group
NP - No Problem
NPC - Non Player Character
NT or
NTY - No Thanks or No Thank You