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  1. #1
    Community Member Khurse's Avatar
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    Default Raise Dead Scroll Donations?

    Hey all
    Just ooc (been many months since I played my cleric) -Do you think raise dead scrolls are an acceptable donation?
    I've got a fighter (curently lvl 8), for donations I've been passing out raise dead scrolls to the lvl 7-8 clerics I've been pugging with. Usually 5 for a normal run, 10 if it's a long one or resource intensive, or I'll provide as many as needed if it's a quest the pug apparently shouldn't be running.

    Anyway just stated this, had a couple of people thank me, but have now had two people basically laugh that I'm giving them 5 scrolls and calling it a donation.

    ~ I know donations are my choice, so I'm not really worried about that, just kinda curious if all of you guys are getting more than (say) 25-60K Gold per run.

    I guess it's kinda a "how big are the tips you guys are generally getting" question, I thought I was in the nice 15-20% range, but am kinda concerened that may be coming off cheap.

    Anyway any info (as always) you can provide is welcome.
    Although I may need another job if I'm to tip 50 scrolls a run though

  2. #2
    Community Member valorik's Avatar
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    my cleric at 16 never get's donations outside of a bad shroud, even at lower levels. If at 7-8 someone donated a few rez scrolls I would be very glad, it cna be tough to afford that, I think you may be being too generous in fact.
    Last edited by valorik; 07-31-2009 at 09:12 PM.
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  3. #3
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    Raise Dead scrolls? Why? You planning to die? Squishy or brainless zerg?

    Mana pots!

  4. #4
    Community Member Khurse's Avatar
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    Raise dead scrolls I can buy,mana pots I have to find.

    And I never really plan my deaths, they just seem to happen..

  5. #5
    Community Member Visty's Avatar
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    the usual donation i always got was 5000plat
    not that i would need it, but as its given, i take it
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  6. #6
    Founder Dcloak's Avatar
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    As I have one 16th level cleric, I never expect donations from anyone. Don't get me wrong. If someone wants to tip me, I'll let them.

    I've accepted this class to be what it is and sometimes you need to consume a lot of resources for a successful completion.

    I've only asked for a donation one time recently because I used a lot of heal scrolls and major elixirs to succeed in a VoD run. I let everyone know that was completely optional.

    Elixirs are a nice donation as well as plat. The only time I use raise dead scrolls is when I'm out of spell points. If I had a choice between raise dead scrolls or plat, I'd go with the plat. I don't need scrolls.

    At level 16, a common tip besides elixirs is 5000 plat. Since you are level 8, maybe tip half that? It's really all up to you, how generous you feel, and how much resources the cleric used for a particular quest. I would say most clerics don't expect to be tipped.
    Last edited by Dcloak; 07-26-2009 at 05:42 PM.

  7. #7
    Community Member Zenako's Avatar
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    Well I would say that if you are running with guild runs, then unless you are trying an Elite Raid for example, no donations are needed or even expected.

    With pug groups, I might give another cleric something, if it seems they are struggling to keep up, but even more importantly, since I play clerics a lot, I will try and make sure that they are getting the most out of what they have.

    I have in the past peeled off a handful of RD scrolls for example and given them to a cleric in mid level groups if from the table talk it becomes clear that they are viewed as a big expense.

    I have on occasion been asked at the end of a run if I want anything, and in those cases I almost always say, no, but thank you for asking.
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  8. #8
    Community Member Khurse's Avatar
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    Thanks for the replies

    And no, if I'm running a shroud run or something I'll throw more than a couple RD scrolls their way- they get pots or a chunk of change. I was just curious about what (if anything) players were giving to low/mid level clerics.

  9. #9
    Community Member Kalari's Avatar
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    I always like it when donations are offered or even insisted on by the player after the quest is done especially if they see me working my arse off to keep the party up. I will always turn down donations before a quest because you have no idea if im really gonna work hard in the quest.

    I do say op its up to what you feel is comfortable. Raise dead scrolls are not cheap unless you have a haggle bard (hehe I know I do) But many new players dont have that luxury so I do appreciate players like you who realize that and do donate to clerics. Its really easy after have a few high levels under your belt to say "donations arent needed." But not every cleric has a bankrolling character to fund them after a few bad runs.

    I normally get the following donations which I take no problem 1. plat 2. Rez/raise scrolls specially ones that drop in chests. 3. mana pots.

    When im on my non healing girls I often give these as gifts after a quest to clerics in the group as well. I hate calling them donations though I get the sentiment. There really are some clerics that do need the help and its always good to see there are players who understand that.
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  10. #10
    Community Member malaky's Avatar
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    I would suggest just giving them the amount of plat it costs you for the scrolls you would normally give them. I think 5 raise dead scrolls are roughly 3500-4000 plat? So a couple thousand plat would be an excellent donation imho. I don't play clerics, and I usually only tip them if they seem new (and thus more broke than me) or if they go through a lot of resources in the quest.

  11. #11
    Community Member Arvess's Avatar
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    low-mid levels, I give like 3k plat. I don't have a lot of money but sometimes you're playing with a newish character that doesn't have access to a lot of cash. And mana pots but i hand those out near the end. Most clerics i have met declined my donation.

    I used to get 3 - 4 CSW wands. I thought that that was cool.

  12. #12
    Community Member Mindspat's Avatar
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    I have a 16th level Cleric that I greatly enjoy playing.

    People used to give Cure Moderate Wands when the character was of lower level and I had to turn down quite a lot of them. Seriously, why were these players giving me wands to heal them when they should be drinking potions to heal themselves!?!

    I've only had problems healing party members when someone thought they could tank Ogres with 50 hitpoints. Those are the types of players who get a Rez instead of a Cure spell. A Rez is very inexpensive when compared to the squishy twf who has yet to learn how to Flank.

    Scrolls, if it's not a Heal scroll it's just taking up inventory space. I don't bother with anything else on my Cleric.

    IF you want to feel that your donations are not only effective but greatly appreciated I would suggest an equal cost amount in the form of Heal Scrolls. Heal scrolls are always welcomed.
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  13. #13
    Community Member Frodo_Lives's Avatar
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    At lower/mid levels in most quests donations are not required or needed at all for most groups/quests.

    I have run 3 clerics to cap (deleted 2) and I can count on one hand the number of quests I used more than a 3k plat worth of wands/scrolls before raid levels.

    Thernal can be a nasty quest series when it's on hard or elite, VoN 3 sometimes is, and I always make sure I tip when I'm in there. If I am in a lousy PuG where I can tell the cleric is spending their own plat because they have to or we will not succeed, I'll tip. Usually I don't take or give tips because honestly no resources should be needed or used on most mid level quests.

    I'd be more than happy with a few raise dead scrolls as a tip to offset an expensive run, and anyone who doesn't at least appreiciate the guesture isn't worth tipping anyway. Really what do these people expect? Large scales?????

    If they are spending more than a few k on consumables, then it's up to everyone (including them) to chip in, it's not up to you to pay off the entire debt by yourself. Unless of course they are those people who are idiots and think that not only should they make money of the loot that they get, they should make money off of the group as well just for the privilage of having such and uber cleric in their party.

  14. #14
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    If y our gonna donate a way to raise the dead, at least do Ressurection scrolls.

    Personally, I prefer mana pots over anythign else, then Plat, then Heal scrolls.

    I generally just buy Raise dead in Bulk and it takes forever to go through them. I only use raise dead from a scroll if the fights over and I'm out of mana and just need to raise someone. In fight raises need to be Ressurections usually.
    °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸ ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸A R C H A N G E L S °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸ ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸

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  15. #15
    Founder Freeman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Impaqt View Post
    If y our gonna donate a way to raise the dead, at least do Ressurection scrolls.

    Personally, I prefer mana pots over anythign else, then Plat, then Heal scrolls.

    I generally just buy Raise dead in Bulk and it takes forever to go through them. I only use raise dead from a scroll if the fights over and I'm out of mana and just need to raise someone. In fight raises need to be Ressurections usually.
    He's talking about donations for level 8-9 characters, so Resurrection might be a bit overkill at that point As for me, if I'm running something where people are expected to die, such as VON 2 or 3, then I'll make sure the cleric has sufficient scrolls to raise people. That's not a tip, that's just making sure you don't have to make long trips to a shrine everytime someone dies. If we end up burning through a lot of resources(wands and other stuff), I'll usually tip the cleric enough to make sure they don't go negative for that quest. However, I never give anything up front that isn't necessary. No one pays the wizard or sorc for burning their spell points, so I don't think the cleric deserves anything for it either. By the same token, I expect everyone to be able to heal themselves up with potions or wands as well, to prevent the cleric burning through things needlessly. I'll always make allowances for new players with limited funds though, so this is aimed more at alts than new players.
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  16. #16
    Community Member dasein18's Avatar
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    I recommend you do the following:
    1. Let the cleric know, at start of quest, that if he/she uses excessive resources you will donate
    2. Ask at the end of the run what he/she used and donate
    3. If you get a res and they used a res scroll ask if they want a donation
    4. roll a cleric and get a feel for what resources get consumed. I do recommend playing a cleric it is fun and great way to learn...

    At high levels clerics can make plat.. many quests they can solo without using much resources. oh that reminds me I need play more cleric more.
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  17. #17
    Community Member Arnya's Avatar
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    There's a reason my cleric is named Debt...

    Kinda moot cos I never PUG her anymore
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  18. #18
    Hero uhgungawa's Avatar
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    Raise dead scrolls sounds like failure, try heal scrolls
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  19. #19
    Community Member LeCutter's Avatar
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    Or conversely you can play your cleric and not blow your own money. If and when I run out of mana - mainly because other people are playing stupidly, not being around for buffs, running off out of LOS trying to kill 50 zillion mobs themselves, etc. - than I certainly won't be blowing my own coin trying to keep them alive. When they're giving me heal wands, mana pots, etc. than they get the sweet lovin' - but those sort of people usually don't play stupidly in the first place. In short, why waste your own time and money on the undeserving? I don't mind being a healbot, but I certainly have demands when being one - like when I say group for buffs, that people do so or they may as well be adventuring solo.

  20. #20
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    Default A Donation is a Donation

    I don't ask for donations, but you do not insult someone offering a gift. Simply do not donate to THAT cleric anymore. The percentage of people who donate in pug groups is about one of every ten toons to one in every 15 toons. Expecting a mana pot as a routine "gift" is greedy. I send all my mana pots to my cleric unless it is a tough run, guildie, or a known donor.

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