Here is another of my supposedly 'gimp' builds that I did just because I could. It is a lvl 16 halfling fighter that ONLY uses Great Crossbows......Period! People would always diss the great due to it's low dps and low fire rate and plainly said it sucks. My son who played a lot had a +1 Wounding of Puncturing Great Crossbow that he was going to vendor trash. I was so excited to see it that I told him I build a toon that ONLY used Great Crossbows if he gave it to me. So he did and I kept my promise. He laughed at me and cracked jokes until we did a few quests together on elite in Vale. His only builds with his duel wielding Tier 3 Greensteels had trouble keeping up with a lil Wounding Puncturing action and Slayer bolts. After losing a couple of times, he was convinced but he'll never make one. Not his play style!
Here is Xbows (Level 16 Halfling Fighter pure Great Crossbow User).
Nothing give me more pleasure than to have a higher kill count than quick killing sorcerer/wizards, blade barrier using clerics and high dps green steel wielding monster builds. I use a simple formula since I do not have DPS. Cheap uber weaps and slayer bolts. I buy up slayer bolts like a cleric buys heal scrolls. The focus is to aim for a mob WAY in the back of a large group of mobs and shoot through as many of them as possible with a disruptor/slayer, smiter/slayer, banishing/slayer, etc combination. It works great to see a few mobs drop from a single shot. He has all the typical ranger feats makes out (Greater range specialization, Greater Ranged focus), Improved precise shot, Improved critical range, Power critical and Shot on the Run.
Feat breakdown:
Fighter Critical Accuracy IV
Fighter Great Crossbow Specialization II
Fighter Flanking Mastery III
Halfling Dex II
Halfling Cunning IV
Halfling Guild IV
Fighter Jump I
Fighter Strength II
Racial Toughness I
Fighter Toughness II
Very fun to play but this play style is not for everyone. I play far in the background, running and strafing a LOT. Good thing that I hardly ever die. Why not pick a heavy repeater? Because that makes sense! People already have done this. My weaps were cheap and I'd fly through my expensive slayer bolt addition. That's a no-no! Plus it feels better to kill a lot with a slow, single shot shooting weapon and see some people be like ????????????
My favorite bow is obviously the lightning green steel. To see it go off in the distance, killing a mob is funny. I thought I saw lightning strike more than one mob once with the Improved precise but I may have been hoping to see that more than it actually happening. I dunno! You get to see many a pretty numbers with the Green steel Good/Shock/Goodburst*Crit*/Shocking Burst*crit*/Force Damage/Bane Bolts combination. Bane bolts are dirt cheap and I clean and keep tons of them on me. Bah...I am talking to much
Nope..I do not recommend this build to anyone. You need patience at the lower levels. I am wondering what how he'll be at level 20. Will post some raid/quest pics below.