If you spend much time reading build advice on these forums, you will see a huge trend of players advising people that their build “needs more Con.”
The Con-men will post the same advice in just about every build post, and generally Con-trolling how people build and play the game.
If you believe the Con-artists the whole game comes down to how many HP your char has at end game.
In fact almost al respected builds will have end game HP as close second to max DPS being a requirement to even be considered a worthy char to group with. And someone will always be devising the Ghengis Con of all builds toward this end.
So, I would like to dedicate this post to be a Con-ference about high Con and low Con builds, or more correctly I will provide my ideas on why super high Constitutions are not required, if the player will just adapt a little.
I will provide as many Con-traceptives as I can about the subject. And give alternatives to those who do not wish to Con-form to the Gen-con opinions of the Con-artists and their Con-federates.
Don’t get me wrong: I do think that Constitution and HP are important. Especialy for melee heavy builds. Raging Brbs and Tin-Con Intimitanks especially need al the HP they can get. And the high Fort Save is definitely nice when getting agro from certain casters and beholders. More is always better, and chars should try to get all their stats as high as possible IMO.
But to claim that you absolutely need a huge amount of HP to be successful in this game is downright funny to me. (we’ll call these statements Comic-Con )
Oh, I’m sure many of the Con-men will try to shut me up about this. Tell me my opinions and advice are ludicrous, that I don’t know what I’m talking about. Make me feel the Wrath of Con.
But I intend to exercise my Con-stitutional rights to free forum speech and let my opinions be known!
Ok, on a more serious note, HP are for people who expect to get hurt IMO. But the current popular zerging tactics pretty much ensure that people will get hurt.
The key to not getting hurt, is not getting agro. And yes, you can kill things and can Con-tribute to a party without getting (much) agro.
Mages can use CC spells. And just hang back and wait till they see monsters agro on someone else before casting. Or use Charms before monsters agro on party members to gain some agro free time for the party.
Chars can use stealth, esp rogues to not gain initial agro. And high Diplomacy can let you use your buddies’ HP and Con.
Chars can Range enemies from relative safety. People can block doors, fight with backs to walls…etc. They can body pull or use various tactics to limit the number of attackers that engage them at once.
Heal up between battles. Attack from behind. Back out of the fight and drink some potions. Lots of ways for low HP chars to survive.
Most of my chars have a significant investment in Dex. My newer chars usually have Cons of around 14 +/- 2 for race. But it depends on the build and what I really wanted to accomplish. I will gladly go with a 10 Con if necessary, for a non-melee focuses char.
High Ref save can give you twice your HP from every (95%) AOE spell or Trap in the game.
+ AC, +better stealth skills, + better ranged attack.
Wisdom, adds to Will saves, and Spot skill. If you never get Held or Commanded, you don’t need to worry about not having enough HP to survive the coming beating after you get held…etc.
Cha adds to UMD, lets you buy healing potions cheaper, adds to Diplo to Con-vince monsters not to beat on you…..adds to Intimidate too, but then you prob need that Con.
Int adds to skills. Lets you build up things like Stealth and Diplo to avoid taking damage.
No stat is useless. Getting all traits of your char as high as possible is a good idea of course.
In general, just slowing down in dungeons lets you take less damage.
So, if you want to do something different for a change and build your dream build like you want to…..I say go ahead, it’s certainly playable.
Or you can join the Con-artists and continue to play the great DDO Con game.