Well fellow rollers seems i have been somewhat naughty with my account with so many empty slots (6)for new toons i couldnt resist....i mean 4 toons level 16 ONLY since beta well is not too impressive but I just cannot afford the time to make more nor do i have any interest any longer since the past 2 years.I did level Massengil quickly with guidlies in the last month and it was newish but not new enough to make me do it over with any other empty slots.Redundancy is not pleasurable to me and it seems my addiction has been cut cold turkey.The only reason i play is social and to roll. /laugh

I solemly thank Turbine & DDO for such a strong addiction since day one but am so happy to be rid of it in such an easy manner.It will benefit me in so many ways to unplug from the computer.The big loss is all the nice people i get silly with every eve for so long.I will miss each and every one of you and all the stunts we have pulled together.I will be sad to leave with my coffers sooo full and thought with my losing streak as of late would rebalance the legendary rolls each night lol!!!Now i will have to restart playing poker to get my kicks. /questcompletions

I am very so very proud to say to Damos dismay that none of the games stats, strategies or basic info ever kept any of my interest at ALL!!!The one thing i thoroughly enjoyed was Ransacked great sense of humour, skills to carry my ass through the stats deficit and me saving their souls through the years with Mother.
It was an honor to care for group and a profitable one at the end lol.I remember being so broke all the time always just playing MOM but atleast we were unstoppable in the game.Hope MOd 9 is all you dream about and that you keep casino platino going in Moms memory.RIP MOM-Cheezwiz-Naya-Angua and newly added Massengil.Thanks to Solarpower Ranger for making me see the light from the dark. /death

Thanks to all whom i have ever run with through thick and thin no matter how smooth , how noob or how many pots it cost me.Was well worth it.Thanks to Mhykke for being a trooper and so consistent at rolling the lowest i wish you a huge curse reversal and many wins!!!! /cheer

/sleep atleast now i will get more of it and more respecking time with Damo

Take care ol Mabarians & Argonessians

