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Thread: Stupid M$

  1. #1

    Default Stupid M$

    I'm kind of glad they're opening new retail Microsoft stores. That way I'll have a store front to return my red-ring-of-death-a-month-past-3-year-warranty-360 - possibly via a window.

    Reading up I found out I'm pretty unlucky.... somehow my machine never died in the past 3 years (since it only gets used on weekends) so they'd have to replace the poor heatsinkfan unit *and* I ordered mine a month before they switched production to the bigger heatsinkfan and the lower power processor/gfx chips.

    F'ing Microsoft. Of course... we've replaced/repaired 3 or 4 IPods and 2 IPhones in that same timespan and I'm still a consummate apple trinket fanboy (though those were all free replacements so maybe that's why).
    Casual DDOaholic

  2. #2
    Community Member BattleCircle's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2007


    Hey look on the bright side, Bill Gates is no longer in charge of MS

    Oh yeah, now he wants to control the weather, using huge barge mounted pumps to cool the ocean surface in front of hurricanes.

    Bastard will probably make another Gagillion dollars

    And screw up the ecosystem in the process.

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