So I had a thought the other day while I was doing a loot run the the desert. Is it possible to level a character to cap WITHOUT ever steping into a quest? After a little research and number crunching I figured out that it is possible to level a character using explorer zones only.
So I'm thinking, why not. I'm going to give this a go. It's going to be a challenge (and one LONG grind), but should be interesting. My question to the community is, what type of build would be the best for dominating the explorer areas (prefferably solo). Key factors would be the ability to self heal efficently, have decent AC and DPS, and good saves. I was thinking some form of a Ranger/Monk combo (Halfling for Drangon Marks). My other thought is this character will be a Plat sponge as I will have to rely on the AH and vendors for most of the decent equipment (no end rewards and untill the desert, no named loot).
Any thoughts on this undertaking?