On Khyber server, on 7/11/2009, the Loreseekers Guild ran an event they called the MOASD: Mother of All Shroud Days. This consisted of running 3 simultaneous all-guild Shrouds. Certainly, some of the groups used their alts in other guilds as timers and the party make-up dictated, but all 36 participants are members or officers in good standing of the Loreseekers Guild.
I would like to say thank you to all those of my guildmates who participated. I know that this isn't so grand an achievement as soloing VOD or some other individual achievement, but I think it is uncommon for a single guild to have 36 people on at one time doing the same quest. It is interesting to note, that if I'd paid better attention to guild chat we might have been able to field a fourth party as I have noted by reviewing my screenshots many guild chat posts by people willing to participate that did not end up running the Shroud with us.
Maybe next time. Until then here is the picture with almost all of the participants (at least one in my party had to log immediately afterwards and was unable to attend the mass screenshot). Heck, in as much as this is the screenshot for participants of the MOASD it is also a good picture of a good sixth of the guild itself.
Again, thank you to all who participated!