Things I would like to see....
I allways see things like studded leather, banded, scalemail, brigandine, Full Plate as end rewards.
and as I think to myself what useless junk, why, because there is no good place for these items.
Unless it has mithral or Adamanite, it is pretty much useless..
Heavy Fullplate should be like sitting in a tank, lots of DR and maybe some movement reduction that can be offset by STR.
If scaling stackable DR /- is available on these different types of armor I believe it would make these items more appealing.
Offer less DR for the mithral armor (or DR /magic) as it already offers more fexibility and Dex bonuses.
If you could have a DR 10/- on fullplate armor (with a speed redution of 50%) that stacks with other DR then i bet you would see more of it out there.
Give the splitmail and brigandines a slightly lesser DR and better speed reductions.
Then the enhancements for armor and armored speed could be used to offset some of these reductions.