Does a vicious weapon stack with frenzy vicious and/or death frenzt greater vicious?
Does a vicious weapon stack with frenzy vicious and/or death frenzt greater vicious?
yeh, but get a holy weapon jeez![]()
Shadowsteel [TR train wreck]
Vicious wep + Frenzy + Death Frenzy =
+8D6 Damage
+3D3 Self Damage
Holy is better for evil mobs ofcourse.. Same damage, no self damage.
However Greater Vicous may exist in the mod9 loot tables I believe. Which would be better (4d6 dmg, 1d3 self)
But not all mobs are evil.
A Holy of Greater contruct bane for example.. Inferior to a Vicious of gcb.
Lots of other types of neutral/good mobs too. Tho the majority of mobs are indeed evil.