Class: Ranger 18 / monk 1 / rogue 1
Race: Human
Allignment: Lawful Neutral.
Starting Stats:
Str 16
Dex 16
Con 12
Int 8
Wis 15
Cha 8
Ending Stats:
Str 32 (16 base + 5 level + 6 item + 3 tome + 2 rams )
Dex 28 (16 base + 3 tome + 6 item + 2 ranger enhancement +1 enhancement)
Con 20 (12 base + 2 tome + 6 item)
Int 10 (8 base + 2 tome)
Wis 26 (15 base +2 tome + 6 item +2 shroud weapon +1 enhancement)
Cha 8 8 base
Obviously not all tomes are needed. With human adaptability you can easily make sure you got even stats depending on the tomes you get.
Final AC Breakdown with icy raiment:
10 Base
9 dex
8 wisdom
8 armor
4 icy raiment
5 deflection
1 Dodge
3 Chattering Ring
4 insight
1 Ritual
4 tempest shield bonus
3 Favored
(2 defensive fighting)
60 (62) - unbuffed
5 barkskin
1 haste
2 recitation
68 (70) - self buffed
6 aura
4 bard song
78 (80) with party buffs
And you can also boost for 4 more AC.
Final AC Breakdown with DT robe:
10 Base
9 dex
8 wisdom
6 armor
2 chaos garde
5 deflection
1 Dodge
3 Chattering Ring
4 insight
1 Ritual
4 tempest shield bonus
3 Favored
(2 defensive fighting)
56 (58) - unbuffed
5 barkskin
1 haste
2 recitation
64 (66) - self buffed
6 aura
4 bard song
74 (76) with party buffs
And you can also boost for 4 more AC.
Enhancement: Rogue Haste Boost I
Enhancement: Ranger Sprint Boost I
Enhancement: Human Adaptability I: Dexterity
Enhancement: Human Adaptability II: Wisdom
Enhancement: Human Improved Recovery III
Enhancement: Human Versatility III
Enhancement: Ranger Favored Attack II
Enhancement: Ranger Favored Damage IV
Enhancement: Ranger Favored Defense III
Enhancement: Ranger Favored Resistance II
Enhancement: Ranger Tempest III
Enhancement: Rogue Sneak Attack Training I
Enhancement: Ranger Devotion IV
Enhancement: Ranger Dexterity II
Enhancement: Ranger Energy of the Wild I
Enhancement: Rogue Improved Trap Sense I
Enhancement: Racial Toughness II
1 (human).Mobility
2 (Monk). Power attack
6.Spring attack
9.Oversized two weapon fighting
12.Improved critical
15.Maximize Spell (Might swap to empower healing if I overheal too much)
Favored Enemies: (number = the level you get it)
3. Giant
7. Undead
12. Evil outsiders
17. Elementals
Swap giant for constructs when you start running The Shroud.
Skill Points:
Take concentration, balance and umd. Spare points in jump.
23 ranks
3 cha
6 item
5 titan gloves
4 GH
2 head
(4 boost)
Leveling order:
Take rogue at level 1, monk at level 2 and rest ranger.
Why this build is superior to The Exploiter
The starting stats:
The exploiter spent 4 point in int that I have used in dex and wisdom for higher AC potential. It can esily be translated into 2 higher AC.
The exploiter reaches 24 wisdom and 26 dex, my build reaches 26 wisdom and 28 dex.
He also started with lower str, which makes him more dependant on human adabtability : Str to keep up with the DPS.
His 20 extra HP is moot, even with that he have lower survivability.
He went for the CE trap while I went for a metamagic for CSW.
CE gives 5 AC while defensive fighting(DeF from now on) gives 2 AC so CE basicly gives 3 AC.
Now remember that with the int spent to get CE I got 2 AC, that means that with CE The Exploiter is 1 AC ahead, and without CE my build is 2 AC ahead.
But, I also got concentration and maximized CSW along with 30% human imp recovery and ranger devotion IV for quick and powerful healing.
That trumphs the extra survivability gained by 1 higher AC in CE IMO.
If you disagree then just swap maximized to two weapon defense and you will be at equal AC in CE and you will be 3 AC over the exploiter in PA.
Most of us have realised the sweetness of DPS by now, so PA is really the prefered stance.
The exploiter have trapskills, but lacks concentration.
Trapskills are useless in the eyes of a decent powergamer.
Self preservation:
While The Exploiter is dependant on healscrolls for selfhealing, my build got CSW that heals me for:
28.5*1.4*1.3*2=104 without a devotion IV item and 156 with one.
I don't have to severly cripply my DPS while healing, at worst I'll have to equip a devotion ring, while the exploiter must remove his weapon to cast a slow and interuptable heal that heals less than my CSW.
With grazing hits, self healing and concentration will become much more important.
With icy I get higher AC, but I lose some good stuff from the DT armor. It's been talk about mobs tohit being lowered in mod 9 because of grazing hits so DT might be enough. If not? well, I'll just use icy.