This is a character that I resurected a while ago and turned him into a s&b evasion intimitank. Just got a +3 dex tome on him so now he qualifies for all the TWF feats. I expect to keep him mainly an intimitank (with DoS2), but for those times when it's not needed, or he becomes just another one of the dps guys, does adding the twf feats seem like a good idea?


Human 12pal/2ftr/2mnk, plan14pal/4ftr/2mnk
str 20(28)
dex 17(23)
con 17(24)
int 14
wis 10(16)
cha 16(24)

HP 451
AC 48, 53w/ce, 65 max raid buff

intimidate 47 unbuffed (no shroud item)

1) Bullheaded, Khopesh(hu)
3) SF intimidate
6) PA
8) IC slash(ftr)
9) Extend, Cleave(ftr)
12) Shield Mastery, CE(mnk)
13) Toughness(mnk)
15) Imp shield mastery

lvl18-20 gives me 2 more feats, and i could spec out cleave for the third twf feat. If I stay just intimitank, i'm considering weapon focus/weapon spec, dodge, or Gcleave (if there are any good AoE weapons next mod, or for the hate generation), or maybe even empower heal and quicken, which would give me ~80hp no fail csw (I know it doesn't sound like much, but it'll do in a pinch, and no, i don't want to reroll a halfling dm, i'm sticking with this guy)