I think you'll want to listen to this week's ask the devs even if you don't generally listen to DDOcast, as the Turbine crew discusses full character respecs, MyDDO.com, two-handed puncturing weapons, Kate Paiz taking a temporary leave of absence, half-orcs and more! It was a very newsworthy Ask the Devs, fer sure!

Also, I am very much still looking for someone to transcribe Ask the Devs, so if you are interested, please PM me here or email me at ddocast at gmail dot com.

Here's a LINK to the episode - just left-click to play, right click and 'save as' to download as an mp3.

This week's show features a BIG discussion with Turbine with Ask the Devs! This one is an absolute must-listen, with all sorts of significant news announced. Full character respecs, MyDDO and more! Big Bad Barry also discusses the Docent of Defiance in "From the Treasure Trove" and Samius and Xiloscient talk clerics in "Sound Concepts."


DDOcast Episode 126 (7-19-09)

:15 Intro
1:00 Ask the Devs 9 Introductions
4:55 ATD: Development Pace
6:20 ATD: Dreaming Dark info
10:20 ATD: Buying Content and VIP
13:40 ATD: Full Character Respec!!!!!!!!!
16:20 ATD: Backpack memory
17:35 ATD: Half Orcs
19:27 ATD: Two-Handed Puncturing Weapons
20:15 ATD: Large Ingredients
21:27 ATD: Hate reduction, treason and subtle backstabbing
23:20 ATD: Social Networking, out-of-game character planner coming (MyDDO.com)!
26:15 ATD: DDO.com Forum signatures
27:00 ATD: Returning weapon character build incentives
28:30 ATD: Bloodstones, philosophy and acquisition
31:38 ATD: Quivers and hot-swapping
32:08 ATD: DDO: U and Linux, TDM
35:55 ATD: Kate Paiz, temporary leave
38:12 post ATD talk, transcriptionist needed!
40:58 Lammania stress test
44:40 Tomes and minimum levels
45:55 DDO Compendium Update
46:47 Shroud DPS Lag and mouse warping
48:17 Guild features in DDO:U
50:36 DX 10 fix
51:26 DDO-Europe and Favored Soul, character slots
52:30 Press this week
57:10 Show clarification
57:58 From the Treasure Trove - Docent of Defiance, Tip of the Week (Jump Cast)
1:01:41 Sound Concepts - Clerics (includes chat with Xiloscient)
1:19:37 Deadliest Warrior Round 2
1:20:55 Pics and Videos
1:22:39 Emails


TOTAL TIME: 1:34:36


LINK to Tolero's post about DDO Compendium updates coming.

Press Links:

MMOhub: 10 Things I Like About DDO, 10 Things I Hate About DDO

Massive Online Gamer Permadeath Article

Crispy Gamer


Maximum PC

BioBreak - 10 Essential Resources for New DDO Players


LINK to Sigurd's Deadliest Warrior Part 2 info, a PvP event coming to Ghallanda.

LINK to new raid pics.

LINK to Xiloscient's YouTube video of Genesis Point, a new quest coming in DDO:U.

LINK to BumofChicken's Favored Soul wings video on YouTube.

LINK to DDOcast Looks at the Sharn Syndicate video.
