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  1. #1
    Relic of the Last War
    Scholar of Adventure
    Kistilan's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Post Dracolich, Velahti

    I recommend a Dracolich revisit to The Plane of Night at level 20 in which Velah was resurrected (in undead lich format) by the denizens of Mabar. Somehow this will of course involve or tie into The Shavarath. The catch 22 is Velah is asking for you to release her from the Totem (which is enslaving her to their will). This time Velah is going to be rewarding you.

    Pronunciation of Dracolich Velahti name: "Vel-ah-tee"
    New Features of CR XX Velahti -- Undead, Red Dragon.
    Class: Lich
    Spells: A lot more than in The Plane of the Night - equivalent to Level 20 Sorc easily + Archmage Levels
    Physical Attacks: Slower but stronger.
    Wind Buff: Probably gone due to rotted/broken wings.
    Totem: Holding Soul of Velah enthrall -- must be destroyed.
    Additional Mobs: Possibly but let's not get carried away. Whoever enslaved Velah's soul is likely the mob-type that we'll face here.

  2. #2
    Community Member Vivanto's Avatar
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    Sooner or later we will get our dracolich, The Truthful one.

    Since The Prohpecy is the main storyline fo DDO, even the intro movie advertises so. Not having a fully developed main story, but all this shavarath trash we all are sick of seems kinda lame, like DDO:U would be still in beta, like the 3 years of beta in DDO...

    Why they choose to ignore this - much more exciting story - beats me.

    Yo devs! Don't release an unfinished game.

  3. #3
    Community Member JakLee7's Avatar
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    Feb 2008


    Not a bad idea Kist -
    - my reputation says nuetral, my character sheet says Chaotic Good!
    Quote Originally Posted by Kominalito View Post
    if grief for you is a few minutes of a pumpkinheaded player in a videogame, you must live in a palace of naked women made of chocolate and money.

  4. #4
    Uber Completionist Lithic's Avatar
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    An easier tie in would be that sorjek heard about our victory in the vault, and found the trashpile where the dwarves tossed her corpse (or he travelled there with teleport magic, or being a red dragon the body survived reentry and enough was left after the fall to work with, or w/e).

    Turning her and others into undead dragons was part of the truthfull one's instructions wasn't it? If I had to make some, I know I'd rather work with the ones that are already dead rather than have to go kill some myself. An extension of this could be that the first couple undead dragons we see are the reanimated corpses of the Tor dragons, as being very young they would make the least challenging oponents (perhaps raid-flagging quest bosses). More raw material that requires little effort to obtain.
    Star Firefall
    20 Rogue Assasin
    Currently on life 42 of 42 (Final Life!)

  5. #5
    Relic of the Last War
    Scholar of Adventure
    Kistilan's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Lithic View Post
    An easier tie in would be that sorjek heard about our victory in the vault, and found the trashpile where the dwarves tossed her corpse (or he travelled there with teleport magic, or being a red dragon the body survived reentry and enough was left after the fall to work with, or w/e).

    Turning her and others into undead dragons was part of the truthfull one's instructions wasn't it? If I had to make some, I know I'd rather work with the ones that are already dead rather than have to go kill some myself. An extension of this could be that the first couple undead dragons we see are the reanimated corpses of the Tor dragons, as being very young they would make the least challenging oponents (perhaps raid-flagging quest bosses). More raw material that requires little effort to obtain.
    Giants would love to enslave a dragon's soul. I dig it. Good idea.

    PS: Thanks for the props.

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