i'm also gonna have to point out insidious cunning xp bonus. this is a 10% xp bonus for completing a dungeon without killing any enemies. there is also discreet bonus and devious bonus. one is 7% the other 5%.
i'm also gonna have to point out insidious cunning xp bonus. this is a 10% xp bonus for completing a dungeon without killing any enemies. there is also discreet bonus and devious bonus. one is 7% the other 5%.
Using invisibility currently on the live servers does the following:Originally Posted by Meriadeuc
When not in sneak mode it grants no bonus to hide. It does allow you to hide with your current hide skill to remain undetected via sight if your hide skill meets or exceeds the spot skill of a monster. It can also make monsters sometimes guess where you are, causing them to physically attack places it last heard you.
When in sneak mode it grants a +20 circumstance bonus to hide.
Using invisibility currently on Lamannia does the following:
Regardless of being in or out of sneak mode a monster can't make a spot check against you unless it can see invisibility. Being within the monster's auto-detect visual arc is still going to auto-detect you, though.
Server - Thelanis
And no penalty to monster's spot skill either?
That's vastly more useful, of course. So the only way a non-see-invisibility monster can find an invisible character on Lamannia now is by hearing him and then moving toward the character until he is within the auto-detect visual arc?