Edit, changed my mind, thx.
Edit, changed my mind, thx.
Last edited by Rafal; 07-22-2009 at 02:11 PM.
Well, I do not see much interest on forums in this item for a longer time. I have no idea what is a going rate as well. I just know I can grind 20 Shrouds for a cleanser and make a bit better belt then that so it seamed to me my offer is not crazy.
Anyway, do you have one?
Your offer is crazy. Electric Haze is not only a phenomenal item but it is arguably the hardest, desired, item in the game to get. Ever tried to farm one? It takes a lot more grinding than your 20 shrouds AND requires a pre-made group to do said grinding as PUGing it is nigh impossible as opposed to Shroud where PUGs fill easily. Its worth quite a bit more than 1 +2 tome. Even an Int tome. And if anyone reading this will sell it for 1 tome I will give 2 tomes.
I traded my EH belt for 2 x+2 Tomes, but was informed I could have quite easily gotten a full set. To me, it wasnt worth more than 2, but it seems the going rate is higher. I was happy with my trade as I got what I needed.
Good luck with your trade, although as pointed out, your offer may be a little low, but stranger things have happened on the forums!
Lanuric and Fenuric Halven, Arrass Katlan, Arconstruct and Kierahn the Servant, Gruntak the Songmaster, Kohahn and Dehli of the Blades, Taikiji, Shurikai and Dojuwa of the Ninjic
Sarlona Guilds I am in: Ruby Covenant, Halfling Commandoes, The Harpers
A collection of my Short Stories
You might as well wait for Unlimited to come out before you try trading. There are items coming out that you can build around having an electric haze...
hi I was wounder what this item does never heard of it.
sorry for intruding on a trading thread.
Its a Greater False Life Heavy Fort belt. Handy for certain toons that cannot/dont wear the Minos Legen helm (like my wf pally) Makes me wish I hadnt traded it, but plenty of other non-helm Heavy Fort items available.
Lanuric and Fenuric Halven, Arrass Katlan, Arconstruct and Kierahn the Servant, Gruntak the Songmaster, Kohahn and Dehli of the Blades, Taikiji, Shurikai and Dojuwa of the Ninjic
Sarlona Guilds I am in: Ruby Covenant, Halfling Commandoes, The Harpers
A collection of my Short Stories
I forsee all belts will take a nose dive in price pretty soon - it seems quite a few of the mod9 named items are belts (The NDA is lifted... right?).
Garth 20/ftr (Kensei) Haeson 20/clr Cairis 12/ftr 6/rgr 2/rog Xortan 20/wiz
Tinosa 20/brd Garthbot 20/fvs Gaarth 18/ftr 1/rgr 1/rog (Stal Def)
Tibetan 20/mnk Automatic DDO raid timers Haezon 20/sor (Conj)
Well, I offered about as much as it's worth to me and had not much from the last couple months to get the value of it. From two May posts it does not look like a crazy valued item. New items will change a lot and price of this belt will take a dive when +2 tomes with no ML will become extremely unique and unobtainable in mod 9.
I still do not think I am crazy with my offer and can easy wait till mod 9 goodies will arrive and keep my set of +2 tomes.
What I would like to see is a post from someone who wants to trade this item with an offer as for right now I can offer whatever and still not make a trade.
It's gonna suck next mod. It's very easy to solo Litany of the Dead btw, joke of a quest. Sometimes the beholder gives me some trouble though, the Fleshmaker side is cake.
Jeets said he wouldn't tell Turbine. ;(
If I had one I would absolutely trade it for a +2 int tome with no level restriction. Come next mod, the person with the +2 int tome would be laughing at the offer of an EH belt.
"Multi-Classing: If you don't know what you are doing...please don't do it."
Arkkanoz / Barbarrus / BoarAxe / Bruttus / Dahlamaar / Dexxaan / Dominattrix / Gregorius / Inquisittor / Mechanikkus / Predattor / Suntzzu / Valkeerya
Yah this item will take a heck of a nose dive in mod9. If anything the +2 int tome offer is decent - personally I would only offer a couple of scales or other larges for one, knowing what's coming.
Devs: Thanks for making Druids available to VIPs without the pack. This more than anything, has made me want to buy the pack.
i have an electric haze belt and wouldne trade it for even a full set of +2 tomes.
took about a million hours to farm one and i pull +2 tomes when im not expecting to (all the time)
the only tome that you will lose benefit from before lvl 7 would be INT. so i dont see much value in any other +2 stat tome.
even that being said. i pull INT tomes as well, and wouldnt even trade the belt for 2 or 3 of theese.. they are just WAY more common.
GL to the OP
Exisled..Maknee..Myknee..Metaliya..Metalya..Bankin ..Cutz.. Soulseeker..Aphro..Smashin..Twinkly..Nutty.. Puffpufff.. Butche
It will be interesting to see if your views change when there are no more int tomes and you can farm one of many different uber belts in the new mod quests, while a lot more people run the abbot.
Devs: Thanks for making Druids available to VIPs without the pack. This more than anything, has made me want to buy the pack.
I think I already stated that it's not worth for me as much as you think. With mod 9 closer and closer I would rather keep my int tome then trade for an item which I would probably stop using after one of the new special belts drops for my barb. I guess it might not get to you yet but I am sure it will with some time. All my toons are happy with a Titan belt and a mineral 2 item so I could not see any reason to go crazy about this Haze. Then I figured it would fit my newest barb built as it is now so I could get a small advantage in slots usage. But this advantage is not worth +2 INT tome for me anymore, I could still offer any other tome but INT for it but see no point in doing so as it's a rare item as I can see. I am just curious what will you do if you pull eg. Vorne's Belt or one of the other new ones which would fit your build.
Oh, and I noticed one more thing, I can get a +15 Intim ring to replace the help I have and get Minos like 99% of tanks do (have more then enough taps) and get in total more HP then I would from this belt. And I can take my time, really, no rush. And my next couple of toons will get a +2 INT tome at level 1 what would not be possible from anything you can pull from the chest after the update.
So Good Luck and have fun with your Haze.
Last edited by Rafal; 07-23-2009 at 11:57 PM.