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  1. #1
    Community Member kafrielveddicus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Cool PD Halls of Valhalla - The newest and most challenging Permadeath guild on Ghallanda

    Please send tell if interested or have any questions about the guild!!!

    Please Read Thoroughly before joining

    1) Mission Statement
    To Achieve 1750 Favor and Cap

    2) Etiquette
    Players are welcome to play their own style within the guild rules, this is not a conform or be cast out guild. It is understood that disagreements will arise and that players may not want to group with certain other players, you will not be punished for this, simply agree to disagree. Please Note you still must follow Guild Rules in regards to Grieving in section 13.

    3) Becoming a Viking
    New Members - You must join at Level 1 and may only solo before joining
    New Characters - Existing members may solo their toons up to Level 2 if their are no officers online
    Naming your Toon - Your toons must all have a common 3 or 4 letter slugline in their names. (ie. mine is "Narc")
    Officer Status - You must be registered to the website and your toon must be posted/updated on the Guild Roster Thread
    Inactivity - Toons inactive for 3 months or more are removed from the guild, unless prior notice of AFK is given. (No Exceptions)

    4) Deaths
    PVP Deaths - Do Not Count
    Special Event Deaths - Events held in Public Areas Do Not Count
    Lag Deaths - Do Count
    Heirloom Items - Are Prohibited
    Looting the Dead - Each player may loot one item/stack of items from the dead players bank(Willed Gift). If the body(Soul Stone) is recovered each player may also loot an additional item/stack of items from the dead body. (Rez shrines may be used by the dead player for looting purposes). Note a player may refuse looting by all if he so chooses.
    When Death Occurs - All players must recall and reset the instance even if a Rez is applied. Note if the death occurs during an end fight, you may complete the end fight and loot or chat with NPC's as required.
    Posting Deaths - Deaths must be posted/updated on the Death Counts Thread
    Quest Exceptions - Some quests may have exceptions (see Quest Specific Rules Thread)

    5) Bringing Back the Dead
    Rez Shrines - Are prohibited
    Rezzing - All Spells, Enhancements and Items are allowed
    Recovering the Body - Soul Stones must be recovered first. (No Rubber Band Rezzing)
    Posting Deaths - Deaths must be posted/updated on the Death Counts Thread
    Limited Deaths - You may only be rezzed a number of times equal to your Base Constitution plus Inherent Bonus, after that you are permanently dead.
    Quest Exceptions - Some quests may have exceptions (see Quest Specific Rules Thread)

    6) Grouping
    Pick Up Groups/PUGs - You may only group within the guild (No Exceptions)
    Level Restrictions - All toons entering a quest or encounter area must be within 3 levels of each other. (you may group with others for chat)
    Static Groups - Must follow all guild rules with the exception that gifting within the group is completely unrestricted!!! Note this means trading is not required amongst a Static Group!!!

    7) Adventuring
    Rest Shrines - May only be used once even if they reset
    Solo Settings - Are allowed
    Hirelings - Are allowed for only one purpose, to activate levers or runes. They should be activated at the lever/rune then they are to be dismissed. Note absolutely no rezzing/combat/buffing/healing from hirelings, buff timers must expire at the cost of other buff timers
    Quest Re-entry - You may only reenter a quest if you accidentally booted from a quest or if you are Assisting on a quest (see below). You may not resupply or regain spell/hit points.
    Encounter Areas - You may freely run these areas until capped. You may not loot chests once an area is capped, collectibles and crate drops are fine. If an area is not capped, you must be attempting to finish it. Note this means you may not leave a portion of an area unfinished just so you can do loot runs (ie. Bloodstone)
    Quest Settings - Must be run on the highest setting available
    Missed Settings - May be run solo assuming a first time bonus is appearing in your XP box.
    Mid-Quest - You may join a group in a quest in progress, assuming the setting is not being repeated by you and you are not providing supplies. Note you are prohibited from using any rez abilities in this case.
    Mid-Quest Chain - If you have partially completed a Quest Chain you must wait to join with another group passing thru that chain(unless you use the Assisting Option).
    Assisting Encounter Areas - You may assist a group doing an encounter area you have capped. You may not loot chests, collectibles and crate drops are fine.
    Assisting Quests - You may assist a group doing a quest on Elite Setting. You may not loot chests, collectibles and crate drops are fine. You may not collect an end reward. Note to do this you must reenter the quest until the xp drops to Zero. Note you may also do this on lesser settings when it comes to a quest chain you are midway thru.

    8) Exploits
    Loot Runs - You may not exploit a quest/area for loot runs.
    Inactive Mobs - You may not manually target an Inactive Mob (ie. dog in Info is Key).
    Bug with friends - You may not use Summon Monster/Charm to bug out end bosses.
    Perching - Is allowed.
    Corner Ranging - Is allowed.
    Pulling - All manners of pulling Mobs is allowed.

    9) Purchasing/Selling
    Auction House - Is prohibited.
    Brokers - Buying is prohibited, Selling is fine.
    Vendors - Magic Consumables (anything that produces a spell like effect) are prohibited, all other purchases are fine
    Favor Vendors - Are allowed(Including Buffs).
    Crafting - Is allowed.

    10) Gifts and Trade
    Money - Money may never be transfered
    Your Clan - You may not gift/trade with your own toons (Avoid circle gifting/trading).
    In Quest/Area - You may gift any items/end rewards acquired from a quest, assuming they were grouped in the quest with you.
    Consumables - You may gift non-magic/magic consumables to anyone within 3 Levels who meets the items minimum level(mailing is fine).
    Trading - You may Trade with anyone within 3 Levels, they do not have to meet minimum level requirements. Note a trade must be completed in a trade box.
    Trading Collectibles - There are 3 types (Basic-Harbor, Advanced-Marketplace, Expert-All Others) and 3 versions (minor-3 of's, lesser-2 of's, major-1 of's). These may be traded in equal amounts of same type and version.
    Trading Gear - There are 4 categories (weapon-weapon, shield-shield, armor-armor, others-others) for trading. Trades must have the same "+" in the top right corner of the item description. Note for items with no "+" use your best judgement

    11) Guild Rewards (upon availability)
    Muckbane - At 7th Level and Untouchable(No deaths) you will recieve this, assuming you do not already posses one.
    Portable Hole - At 1oth Level and 875 Favor you will recieve this.
    Guild Events - Future events may provide rewards

    12) Bugs
    Fall thru Floor - If a fall is obviously not a death, feel free to use a rez shrine and not count this as a death.
    Stuck Spot - you may use /death to get out of a stuck spot and use a rez shrine and not count this as a death
    Unprogrammed Areas - Falling into certain areas unprogrammed results in instant death. (This will be discussed in Quest Specific Rules)

    13) Grieving
    Grieving - Doing this to fellow guildies while adventuring is grounds for dismissal from the guild upon review.
    Grease - Using grease or any other enviromental area of effect on a fellow guildie during combat (without notice).
    Diplomacy - Using this in combat to turn agro unexpectedly on fellow guildies (without notice)
    Traps - triggering a trap effect on a fellow guildie (must be on purpose)
    Wreaking Havoc - Dragging a mass of mobs to fellow guildies (without notice and with the purpose of causing harm)

    Guild: PD Halls of Valhalla on Ghallanda Level 63, Website:
    Casualnarc Epic TR 2nd Life Level 9, Repentnarc 16, Gatlingnarc 15, Snipernarc 14, Banknarc 13, Airnarc 12, Braverynarc 11, Lednarc 11, Tempestnarc 11, Holynarc 9, Repeatnarc 6, Ebuttonnarc 6 <-ALL WITH ZERO DEATHS

  2. #2
    Community Member kafrielveddicus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Come one, come all and try out the most challenging Permadeath guild on Ghallanda!!!

    New Rules for Mod 9

    No use of The Store (unless purely cosmetic or unlocking content)
    Only regular hirelings maybe used and still only to unlock runes or levers

    Other clarifications on our rules

    We do not PUG, even for recruiting purposes!!!
    We do not have a guild bank that twinks our toons with gear and money!!!
    We do not allow gear gifting(twinking) in the guild!!!

    Please take on the challenge, if you think you can!!! wink wink!!!
    Guild: PD Halls of Valhalla on Ghallanda Level 63, Website:
    Casualnarc Epic TR 2nd Life Level 9, Repentnarc 16, Gatlingnarc 15, Snipernarc 14, Banknarc 13, Airnarc 12, Braverynarc 11, Lednarc 11, Tempestnarc 11, Holynarc 9, Repeatnarc 6, Ebuttonnarc 6 <-ALL WITH ZERO DEATHS

  3. #3
    Community Member toughguyjoe's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by TheNarc View Post
    this is not a conform or be cast out guild. It is understood that disagreements will arise and that players may not want to group with certain other players, you will not be punished for this, simply agree to disagree.
    I was asked to remove these posts, however i do not feel that i am required to. I will instead edit them into something that is more classy.

    Narc. I read the above part of your rules and I have a question about it.

    Are you referring to instances where a player may not want to Group with a player of slightly higher level? (Example: I am a level 4 character. The guild is running level 3 characters in harbor quests. When i ask to join the group will I possibly be denied access to the group and forced to solo play because i am higher level and thus robbing the group of XP?
    Last edited by toughguyjoe; 09-02-2009 at 04:54 PM. Reason: removed someof the more offenseive insinuations, at Narcs request
    Quote Originally Posted by gamblerjoe View Post
    if u put 1000 smurves in front of 1000 computers, eventually one of them will make a pally that isnt a complete abomination.
    Quote Originally Posted by dragonofsteel2 View Post
    Why should I care about what none friends think? It really not like anythink they do are say in this game really affects me.

  4. #4
    Community Member toughguyjoe's Avatar
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    Aug 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by TheNarc View Post

    We do not have a guild bank that twinks our toons with gear and money!!!

    Another question. Is it necessary to add the words "To twink our toons with gear and money!!!" to this part of the ruling?

    Would it not simply be enough to say that a guild bank will not be included?
    Last edited by toughguyjoe; 09-02-2009 at 04:57 PM. Reason: Edited to take out some of the more personal insinuations, at narcs request
    Quote Originally Posted by gamblerjoe View Post
    if u put 1000 smurves in front of 1000 computers, eventually one of them will make a pally that isnt a complete abomination.
    Quote Originally Posted by dragonofsteel2 View Post
    Why should I care about what none friends think? It really not like anythink they do are say in this game really affects me.

  5. #5
    Community Member kafrielveddicus's Avatar
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    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by toughguyjoe View Post
    I was asked to remove these posts, however i do not feel that i am required to. I will instead edit them into something that is more classy.

    Narc. I read the above part of your rules and I have a question about it.

    Are you referring to instances where a player may not want to Group with a player of slightly higher level? (Example: I am a level 4 character. The guild is running level 3 characters in harbor quests. When i ask to join the group will I possibly be denied access to the group and forced to solo play because i am higher level and thus robbing the group of XP?
    A very good question, toughguyjoe.

    Thanks to one of our wonderful rules, called the Assisting on a quest rule, people will never be left out on a quest as someone may bring on a level appropriate toon and assist on a quest that one of our guildies may need, but everyone else at that level has, it really promotes taking the time to help other guildies advance their characters without allowing the people assisting to do loot runs(which can be construed as a form of twinking).

    So to further discuss your sample above people could switch out there toons with another toon if they wish to, whether it be a level 7 toon or a level 1 toon to run with your level 4 toon, and of course if you didnt want your level 4 toon to run with higher toons for some xp loss(although I am not sure how much of an impact that is having with the new mod) then I am sure that your fellow guildies would make their best effort to accomodate.

    Just lastnight 3 guildies were running quests that they already had and were getting no loot or xp, but were doing it just to assist a guildie who needed help!!!

    Feel free to have a read of our guild rules and join us anytime!!!
    Last edited by TheNarc; 09-03-2009 at 10:28 AM.
    Guild: PD Halls of Valhalla on Ghallanda Level 63, Website:
    Casualnarc Epic TR 2nd Life Level 9, Repentnarc 16, Gatlingnarc 15, Snipernarc 14, Banknarc 13, Airnarc 12, Braverynarc 11, Lednarc 11, Tempestnarc 11, Holynarc 9, Repeatnarc 6, Ebuttonnarc 6 <-ALL WITH ZERO DEATHS

  6. #6
    Community Member kafrielveddicus's Avatar
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    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by toughguyjoe View Post
    Another question. Is it necessary to add the words "To twink our toons with gear and money!!!" to this part of the ruling?

    Would it not simply be enough to say that a guild bank will not be included?
    It is important to make it clear to those that may be interested in this guild, that it will and always will be a guild that will not have any twinking now or in the future, and that no twinking is what makes it the challenge that it is, not having twinking makes questing a situation where resources are used in a more reserved pen and paper style and will not be supplied as needed for the guild to advance, the guild will advance thru sheer determination and resolve, not this quest will be difficult so why dont we have a banker send us a bunch of stuff for this quest!!!

    The message is "This is what this guild is doing and why this guild is different than any others, please join us if this sounds like the gaming experience you want"

    Again you are welcome to come out and join in the experience with us!!!
    Guild: PD Halls of Valhalla on Ghallanda Level 63, Website:
    Casualnarc Epic TR 2nd Life Level 9, Repentnarc 16, Gatlingnarc 15, Snipernarc 14, Banknarc 13, Airnarc 12, Braverynarc 11, Lednarc 11, Tempestnarc 11, Holynarc 9, Repeatnarc 6, Ebuttonnarc 6 <-ALL WITH ZERO DEATHS

  7. #7
    Community Member kafrielveddicus's Avatar
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    Jul 2009


    We are now looking for talented/experienced players only now, F2p is ok, but we are not interested in recruiting players that dont understand the game and dont care to learn to understand the game!!!
    Guild: PD Halls of Valhalla on Ghallanda Level 63, Website:
    Casualnarc Epic TR 2nd Life Level 9, Repentnarc 16, Gatlingnarc 15, Snipernarc 14, Banknarc 13, Airnarc 12, Braverynarc 11, Lednarc 11, Tempestnarc 11, Holynarc 9, Repeatnarc 6, Ebuttonnarc 6 <-ALL WITH ZERO DEATHS

  8. #8
    Community Member kafrielveddicus's Avatar
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    Jul 2009


    Our high level group just hit 11th level and is well on their way to 12th level!!!

    Of course we do hold off on levelling so we are actually 12th level working towards 13th level!!!

    Stay Safe and Happy Hunting!!!
    Guild: PD Halls of Valhalla on Ghallanda Level 63, Website:
    Casualnarc Epic TR 2nd Life Level 9, Repentnarc 16, Gatlingnarc 15, Snipernarc 14, Banknarc 13, Airnarc 12, Braverynarc 11, Lednarc 11, Tempestnarc 11, Holynarc 9, Repeatnarc 6, Ebuttonnarc 6 <-ALL WITH ZERO DEATHS

  9. #9
    Community Member kafrielveddicus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Still looking for new members!!!

    One of our static groups just wiped, they were just short of 13th level xp, and meet their demise in The Devil's Assault!!!
    Guild: PD Halls of Valhalla on Ghallanda Level 63, Website:
    Casualnarc Epic TR 2nd Life Level 9, Repentnarc 16, Gatlingnarc 15, Snipernarc 14, Banknarc 13, Airnarc 12, Braverynarc 11, Lednarc 11, Tempestnarc 11, Holynarc 9, Repeatnarc 6, Ebuttonnarc 6 <-ALL WITH ZERO DEATHS

  10. #10


    This sounds awsome. I may be contacting an officer for recruitment.

    Question...Is there a regularly scheduled group(s)? Example: In real life people like to meet up for a D&D campiegn group every Friday; every other Saturday; Every 3rd Tuesday of the month; so on and so forth.

    Also if a character dies do you allow the player to re-use a character's name?

    Thanks in advance for your time and effort answering these questions and replying.
    Fighters do it face to face, Rogues may do it from behind, Rangers can do it from a distance, Wizards do it from out of nowhere, Clerics may not do it at all, Barbarians may do it in a rage, Sorcerers can do it on a whim, Bards on a note, but Paladins have to pay for it.

  11. #11
    Community Member kafrielveddicus's Avatar
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    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Thunderwolf View Post
    This sounds awsome. I may be contacting an officer for recruitment.

    Question...Is there a regularly scheduled group(s)? Example: In real life people like to meet up for a D&D campiegn group every Friday; every other Saturday; Every 3rd Tuesday of the month; so on and so forth.

    Also if a character dies do you allow the player to re-use a character's name?

    Thanks in advance for your time and effort answering these questions and replying.
    Thanks for joining us Wolf, it has been a pleasure running with you!!!
    Guild: PD Halls of Valhalla on Ghallanda Level 63, Website:
    Casualnarc Epic TR 2nd Life Level 9, Repentnarc 16, Gatlingnarc 15, Snipernarc 14, Banknarc 13, Airnarc 12, Braverynarc 11, Lednarc 11, Tempestnarc 11, Holynarc 9, Repeatnarc 6, Ebuttonnarc 6 <-ALL WITH ZERO DEATHS

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