I see 5 game play styles.
To me a Noob is:
a new player who lets you know he is new to the quest, game or class.
someone who can understand and follow instructions.
someone who can learn.
someone who has not yet figured out his/her play style.
someone who asks reasonable questions. <where do I need to go next? Can I pull this lever? What does zerg mean in the LFM?>
a real treasure to the DDO community.
To me a Zerger is:
Someone who knows the quest really well.
Someone who knows his/her toon's abilities really well.
someone who can help complete a quest quickly while not wasting time or resources.
a boon to a party. Not a hindrance.
considers time vs xp/loot when running quests.
To Me a Protoss is:
Someone who knows the quest really well.
Someone who knows his/her toon's abilities really well.
someone who can help complete a quest while not wasting resources.
a boon to a party. Not a hindrance.
considers completeness/xp/loot/ when running quests.
To me a Terran is:
Someone who can fit into Protos and Zerger catagories.
a well rounded player.
To me a Bad Player is:
Someone who does not follow instructions.
Someone who saw the LFM tag and still will not play to the style specified in the LFM.
someone who does not help complete a quest.
someone who wastes group resources.
a hindrance to the party.
does not consider the other 5 or 11 people in their group when running quests.
is better off as a soulstone.
In most quests I am a zerger. I group with guildys and other people of like mind. I will stick with the group if I am asked to do so. However if the rest of the group is being wasteful and excessively slow I take a look at the names/guilds in the party and try to avoid them in later quests.
I do not enjoy wasting time and resources when there is a faster and less expensive way to complete the quest.
My best friend will be a Noob who will turn into a Protoss. He enjoys getting 100% completeness on all the games he plays. This is not a bad thing. Just the way he enjoys the same content. He will be joining DDO when it goes free to play and I know for a fact that he will want to do all the content on N/H/E for 100% completeness, This means conquest, ransack, traps, doors, side quests, EVERYTHING. His play style is just as valid as Zerger style.
I am willing to go very slow if there are new people in the group and they let it be known. I try not spoil the quest for new players. Most people in DDO are not new and have dun these quests several times.
It is really easy to avoid Zergers <this is not a bad word> Just put it in your LFM. For example
"Coal Chamber No Zergers please" <-- I would avoid this LFM if I am short on time.
It is also realy easy to avoid Protos style players <this is also not a bad word> Just put up an LFM like this:
"Coal Chamber fast" <-- I would join this LFM for sure.
I sometimes get angry tells for putting "Fast" and "Experienced players" in my LFM's. This is there to tell you something about the play style in the group i'm building. If you dont like fast play, do not join these groups.
I see allot of people discribe bad and terible players as zergers. These people are not zergers. These people are just bad players.
Be proud of your play style.
I am a ZERGER and I am PROUD of it.