First and formost thank you all for any insight you may impart.
I have a lvl 3 Elf Ranger (arcane ranger build)
stats srt 14, dex 21, con 13, int 8,wis 15, cha 8 no buffs/items
was thinking about adding a splash of monk.
will it be worth it?
First and formost thank you all for any insight you may impart.
I have a lvl 3 Elf Ranger (arcane ranger build)
stats srt 14, dex 21, con 13, int 8,wis 15, cha 8 no buffs/items
was thinking about adding a splash of monk.
will it be worth it?
If evasion stacked, i'd say yes, but it doesn't.
Meaning, monk2 gives you evasion, ranger 9 gives you evasion but since you already have
evasion it gives you improved evasion. Of course it does not work that way in DDO.
the only reason I can think of for splashing monk is for the "free" feat on an arcane archer build.
You hopefully won't be getting much aggro so no real need for wis bonus to AC. Improved saves
might help a bit but not a whole lot with only one level.
I would not do it because the capstone enhancement for pure rangers will be worth more to an
archer than any one single feat.
The Office of the Exchequer. 1750 on all live servers via Pure pugging. Thank you very much to all who helped carry a gimp. (wayfinder was a soloist build)
Even if you ignore Evasion from the gains of the Monk splash, it is still a splash with very high synergies with a DEX-Ranger.
If you want to be Archer it is best to go pure to get the Ranger Capstone at level 20. And be adviced that you will need to switch to TWF with your ranger in many situations, where staying in ranged combat simply massively lowers your DPS , without any gain in Survivability.(arcane ranger build)
A good archer-Ranger knows when to shoot it, and when to swap to TWF to melee it. Bow-Only Rangers are a gimped playstyle.
Erzskalde (Warchanter) / Erzassassin (just passing through - ignore me) / Erzsoldat (waiting for TR-time) / Erzschmied (ranged Artificer)
Thanks this prety much ecos what my guild mates have told me.