I am looking to trade for or buy a scourge choker. pm me with what you want in trade or what you would sell one for.
I am looking to trade for or buy a scourge choker. pm me with what you want in trade or what you would sell one for.
Xanderhawk, Airhawk, Torrahawk, Angelhawk, Slayde, Vanyon, Johnnykage, Hawkke
I am willing to trade a docent of defiance and 100k plat for a scourge choker. pm me here .
Xanderhawk, Airhawk, Torrahawk, Angelhawk, Slayde, Vanyon, Johnnykage, Hawkke
well i got my choker. offer is closed
Xanderhawk, Airhawk, Torrahawk, Angelhawk, Slayde, Vanyon, Johnnykage, Hawkke