You should be fine. The stats are good, though you probably will want good Dex and resistance items to make sure your reflex save is high enough for Evasion to be effective. Just make sure the you max Disable Device, Search, Spot, and UMD. You don't have to have max Open Lock, but try to keep it fairly high. Other skills are your choice, but Balance, Tumble and Haggle are all nice. Stealth can be useful depending on your playstyle.
Put you level ups into strength, use dwarven axes and you should be good. The only thing you might want to swap out is Skill Focus

isable. With a 14 Int, max skill ranks and a decent item you should be fine. You may want to carry a few Fox's Cunning and Heroism pots for tougher traps though. Your feat slot would be better spent as a combat feat or at least Skill focus UMD to make up for your Chr and the paucity of UMD items.
Finally, what split are you planning on? You can go mostly Ranger or mostly Rogue, but some splits are better than others.
Edit: Though if you took Ranger first, re-roll. Always start a character with Rogue levels as a Rogue.