+The Goddess of Tempest's Spine+Merc's Only, THELANIS: List is here: http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php...94#post2798094 LEGIONNAIRE /Salute to Rameses, He has RETURNED!
When I join someones LFM, I feel that I owe the person with the star, the respect to adapt to their playstyle. The guy with the star is in charge, unless he cedes that responsibility to someone else in the group. I follow the leaders wishes and playstyles when I join their LFM. If they want to run, I run. If they want to walk, I walk. If they want to tell me to cast an extended haste on them and stand at the entrance till they finish the quest that's what I'll do. I may never run with them again, but for that quest I am committed to follow their lead without complaint.
If I feel on a certain day that I want to play my personal style (tactical jogging) then I will put up my own LFMs and state my intention (doing optionals, going for conquest, etc.) Sometimes I get people joining my LFM that don't share my philosophy about following the leader, and sometimes I get a group that does and has some of the best teamwork I have experienced. C'est la vie
Wrong server again pal. Man, the stereo typing from you elitist types is really bad today. Keep making your assumptions. Maybe you'll figure out you dont know as much as you think.
BTW, it isnt YOUR server. Its Turbines server and i can post wherever i please because Turbine allows it. You cannot control where i post just as you cannot control my or others play style. I know you get your kicks out of trying to bully others into you idea of how people should play but nah.
Last edited by rnor6084; 07-14-2009 at 03:19 PM.
I know I'm coming into this late, but gotta /sign and emphasize this. This game has hands down the worst players of any video game I've ever seen. No I don't mean the little kids or what have you, the regular players I meet all day every day are just unbelievably BAD at video games.
I mean even simple things like gathering for buffs before running off, stepping just into doorways so gates don't drop are the top end tactics they 'teach' new players. Use the traps on the enemies is some great pearl of wisdom that must be yelled at the rogue four times over the mic before he stops.
You try to bring in basic math and people just shut down mentally. Had a guy screaming at me to cast heals on undead in deleras. Like thanks bud I passed rpg101 with a D-, I know it hurts undead, but it hits them for half spell effect on a save (which they make a lot on hard mode) and the tank is a human with improved recovery getting full effect +20%. He just repeats the demand... like a record that just skipped and recovered to continue it's song...
Player X: Why didn't you go fighter for more feats?
Me: My cleric took 1barbarian so I wouldn't be slow.
Player X: But fighter gives you feats... barb only does just the weapons...
Me: I have 10str... I just wanted sprint and +10% so I can keep up between casting.
Player X: You don't get any feats with barbarian though!
I had a guy in Irestone Inlet the other day, said when we finished he was going to go make a ranger for doing Archery... we all warned him they were terrible as a ranged character and he should be using swords, too. He says, no joke... "The RAYN-GEERRRR' is not a good 'RAYN-GE-UD' character?"... we're telling this guy, look, 'ranger' does not refer to ranged attacks. It is a type of soldier that operates out in the wilderness, lives off the land, etc. Range from base/camp, not ranged attacks. And he is just not getting it, after telling us how he played PnP for years.
For all this forum's talk of using tumble for things, not one person I've ever met in-game cares that shield blocking will be more responsive in mod9, and the shield tanks I do meet just stand still and take hits after they intimidate, from every enemy around them in a nice little circle.
Worst players of any MMO I've ever played, hands down.
Absolutely unbelievable some days.
I feel for the OP, it's tough learning the game while trying to deal with some attitudes that occasionally crop up.
Only other thing I'd add is that I wish I could convince everyone to not do the "Helm quest AFTER part 2, recall, sell and come back". Total waste of time. Just do it when you get to it, get it done, continue on, finish the quest, THEN recall and sell. I've started doing this the past few runs and it's really made running the quest take less time and with less hassle.
I am sorry you have had such a bad experience but I have to take the opposite view here. This MMO has some of the BEST players I have ever met. With very few exceptions the players I have encountered are some of the most helpful, knowledgeable, friendly people I have known.
I always wanted to avoid MMO's due to the bad rep they had for their player base ,WoW comes to mind. I decided on DDO because I assumed it would apeal to gamers my age who grew up playing PnP and I was right. As a result I tried several other MMO's and the rep held true.
I soloed a lot when I first started due to fear of looking like an idiot to an established player base. When I finally got the nerve to PuG I met many great people and players many of whom I still run with. I got into a great guild with great people and players. However I made a note to tell people i was new and I asked a lot of questions, I also went along with what the group was doing and tried to pay as close attention to what was going on as i could.
The fact is though I think many people have been playing for so long they just lose sight of when they were new. Anyway my offer still holds true, if any new players on Argo want to look me up let me know and I will PM my alts to you.
To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!
Go for the eyes Boo!
All true and good. I did not speak to quality of people, only quality of skill at gaming. I stayed with all the people in my examples to finish the quests or series' and some are on my friends list. I'm just saying that on average people are REALLY BAD at playing games lol.
I know typing that sort of comment invites a host of 'L337' attacks and labels, but go play another MMO for a week and see how many people run off on their own and come back with a dozen mobs on their heels. If you manage to find someone like this, see how their group reacts. It's not a complicated statement, and it's not a subtle difference. I've been playing MMO's, shooters, and plat formers, since EQ days and I'm sorry but DDO has filled with really terrible gamers for some reason. I don't even consider myself skilled. I get schooled all day. But I know why/what I did wrong or what the other guy did that was smart. I'm not sitting there asking why the tanks won't help me as I run away from them from a monster that's faster then me and hitting me anyway.
How dare you suggest we disarm the traps or even use them!! RANNNNGGEEEE!
I feel the cleric. I got dragonmarks on my human clerics for just such a reason. I was told thatwas stupid and I should have taken Quicken. My response? "Well, I'd worry about being hit if I was actually caught up with the party and near the mobs!
+The Goddess of Tempest's Spine+Merc's Only, THELANIS: List is here: http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php...94#post2798094 LEGIONNAIRE /Salute to Rameses, He has RETURNED!
I can see your point there, I have ran into some poor players, but I guess I got lucky by being part of a guild with very good players in it so I am a bit sheltered. I would be willing to bet though several people have thought I wasn't very good with some of the things I have done but at the time I was just testing my alts capabilities as well as my own.
I disagree with an earlier comment that was made in reference to it not being our job to make others game experience fun. Being as this is a MMO and we interact with other REAL people I think we do have a responsibility to make sure others are enjoying the experience. Now to what extent can be debated, but on some level we should all try to enjoy the game and help others in our group enjoy it as well.
To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!
Go for the eyes Boo!
/group hug
Let's all slow down for the new player base. It would make Turbine very happy if we all embrassed the "new blood".
With that being said-GET OVER IT! I remember being new to the game and being yelled at because "I was the crappiest cleric I have ever seen!" Yes- my first toon was a dwarf cleric/fighter. Reolled at level 8. Then rolled a halfling fighter-rerolled at lvl 12. With more game play comes more game knowledge. I hope I am not coming off harsh-I'm just being honest. Most people that have been playing the game for 3 plus years and just rolled a new toon-want to get to the raids and upper level content as quick as possible. They don't want to crawl through the low content that they have seen a hundred times. I am sorry you had a bad experience with the player base- toughen up, brush it off and move on! What doesnt kill you(no pun intended) will only make you a better player in the long run! You will soon learn that there are alot of great people(personally) that play this game.
Last edited by Philam; 07-14-2009 at 04:09 PM.
If someone left me for dead....without a word, I would leave group too.
No one should be left behind, unless you cannot go back for them, or need to recall to come back for them....etc.
Sorry you had such bad groups. We're not all like that.
(However, in Redfang, they usually cannot come back for you, and if they already went inside the Helm quest, they cannot come back for you....although they could have at least said sorry, and explained why.)
akla thornfist lev 17fighter- healalot thornfist lev 19cleric- aklasek thornfist 13fighter 4 paly- healthis thornfist lev 17 32pt cleric- seakla lev 8 rogue, proud member of unbreakable
I play to be the best at all times. This is not a game.
Proud member of.,.....Whats our guild name?
tru dat!
do you see a bunch of "ZOMG, these slow assed RP'ers and flower-sniffers are ruining my game experience!!!!"
of course not. yes its harder for the newer players to learn the game if half the party flies through the quest, but that is not the veteran players problem, is it? ask them to slow down. break group after the quest and do it again at your own pace. put up and lfm of your own and say NO ZERGING. they just cant expect to get a blanket slow-down of the game because a bunch of new players are inbound.
turbine trying to force one side to comply with the other is total ****. lets say that you make shoes for a living. shoes made for walking. you hear about peeps buying your shoes, and OMG!!! running in them. are you going to change your shoe design so that they have a negative stimulus everytime they run in your shoes?
Hashasheen - Ifuwantblood Yougotit - Fishwater - Stranglehold - Trampled Underfoot - Theotherone - Thirtydays Inthehole -Spanishmoon - Southbound - Gimmeshelter - Warpigs - Hotelillness
If you wanna smell the flowers head over to Ghallanda and seek out IRONFIST guild. We take our time, get all the extras, max xp and let new people grow with us. We run when everyone is comfortable with the quest and always ask if anyone is new.
We want to enjoy the game OUR way as well. Now don't get me wrong, when it comes to raids and the such we move along at a nice pace and get down to business. But there are always people available to help you along any night of the week.
If you can control your mouth, are not rude, have Vent and can LISTEN as well as offer advice that is not demeaning, you are welcome to hang with us.
In your friends list you can add notes. I often add notes to players i do not wish to group with again. Something like "Moron" or "Mental Midget" works well. When you see this person in group again just remember to pass on that one.
“If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles" TsunTzu