After a dozen or more rerolls, I finally have an alt that I'm actually interested in playing. I had a vault full of good khopeshes that I'd never used (vorpals, banishers, disruptors, lowbie DPS'ers, etc.) so I decided on a Human TWF Barbarian/Rogue. He's level 5 now (Barb4/Rogue1) with 20 str. With a few TR's to get Blademaster's Gauntlets, he'll be at 22 str.

While he is certainly a blast to play, I've found that I'm having trouble hitting things when I get into a quest that's a little above level or on hard/elite at level. I do not have OTWF yet.

Should I consider OTWF for my level 6 feat? If I take it, can I assume that my str will eventually catch up and give me a good AB and allow me to respec out of it? Would I need to keep it? My 16 rogue dual wields rapiers and has an insane AB without OTWF mainly due to a) high bonus on SA and b) I'm always sneak attacking.

If my str will eventually catch up and give me a good AB, another option is to carry a good greataxe to use when running quests with mobs I can't hit. Is that the better plan?