my monk presently sits at lvl 4.. Getting monk gear is becoming fustrating..some of my mentors have graciously given me really nice gear which will come into play when i hit about lvl 12 but for now optimaztion is is confusing. I was lucky enough to pull the Black Widow Bracers on my 1st run.. other than that, what gear should i be looking for, for the lower lvls?.. im using weighted(1%) handwraps of acid or sometimes a +3 densewood staff, a+wis trinket, +1dex brooch, and a +1 ac ring, i have a bless and an aid clickie; outside of that nothing interesting AH never has decent handwraps.. and if they do.. they're ridiculously priced (ie: +1 holy handwraps 500,000gp +1 holyburst handwraps of pure good 2,560,000gp) even staves are lackluster, not being a twink its kinda hard to keep up with the curve and the lvls of inflation out there... and thats not even getting into tomes and the such (which i really dont forsee aquiring at all with the recent price gouging goin on with those) im working hard to try to get near cap by mod9, i need a plan for decent gear and lvling locations.. you all have been an incredible help and i hope im not asking too much of you all recently... my toon is Tybrana Nightshadow on Argo' please respond not only here but feel free to mail me input as well.. which ever is most convenient for you. thank you in advance..