ive played paladins, fighters, barbarians.. and now rogue.
i like melee dps.. tested all classes... (my partner thar levels up with me and plays with me everyday is a TWF ranger)
so ive seen every melee in action, 32 point builds, no noobish builds.
well, all of them are pretty good in their own way...
the thing is:
which class can deliver the most DPS (except on elementals and undead, oozes), can UMD almost anything (can UMD everything important), can have ALOT of skills per level, can disable all traps, have improved evasion...
and can sneak, hide, etc.. assassinate two targets at once.. and will get FREE VORPAL EFFECT NEXT MOD?
seriously... my rogue is a level 16 now, raid geared, not fully geared, but decently.
and i can destroy mobs with my 300hp (i have 306).
im not saying the rogue is the best class.. im saying it can do everything in this game, from meleeing to casting spells, healing, sneaking, disabling, etc...
and the most important... its the funniest class to play, no doubt..
while fighters stand there only swinging, u can sneak, assassinate, search, open locks, pick chests, disable stuff, deal like 100 damage or more per swing per weapon...
well i have no doubt rogues are the funniest class to play followed by paladins, which are so cool too because u have so many skills to use.
some people prefer to play classes that u only use like 2-3 skills... and thats not even as fun as playing a class that u can do 10-15 things, and use a different tactics every fight.
(sorry for the long text, im just excited with my rogue and id like to share with you all that)